The nikka is dumb. And Flex was the same nikka capitalizing on beefs and creating drama.
First off...we cant even compare Mandela to Pac. Its an insult to do so...That was my original statement. Dont insult me with hypocrite nonsense. Pac went to prison because he was hanging with n1ggers and a female claiming rape. He didnt go to prison because of political pressure like Mandela...Had Pac gone to prison because he was organizing Blacks across the country then and only then could they be comparable. How dare u compare Pac to Mandela. Your a Pac fanatic...You actually compared an entertainer to a revolutionary. SMH.
You can have the last word.....once u start comparing entertainers to real revolutionarys there's no more words.
First time I read Monsters book was in 97...I was the manager of Know Thy Self Bookstore which at the tim ewas on 142nd and Amsterdam in Harlem.....The bookstore had all of those hard to find Black themed books such as Metu Neter, The Ises Papers, Elijah Muhammads Theology Of Time CD's,
ect. Monster sbook was in the mix and as I did with pretty much every book in there I would sit behind the counter and read.....I remember how I would anticipate opening the store the next day to read the next chapters..It was then that I concluded Monster had the ability to be the next Malcolm X. This was the mid late 90's and teh essence of the Million Man March was still in the air. There was actual hope for some sort of Black revolution if not physically then atleast politically or consciously. I remember Monster doing these little articles in either Rap Pages or XXL(cant remember which) and he was dropping some real gems....I remember he concluded how at the end of Superfly Priest needed white hitmen to help him escape and that subconsciously it was telling Black audiences that a Blackman cant be free without the whitemans help. That was deep. The first time I saw him in motion was on BET when Aunt Cookie from Next Friday had that show with them 2 other chicks. He was quoting Dead Prez and dropping more gems. Dude in my eyes was really on some hero status sh*t. Then when I seen the DVD Street Wars in like 2002 or 2003 and seeing him just be himself...That was mind blowing cuz he was gangster but he spoke so intellegently....Like he had some sense. I showed that DVD to my teen mom cousin and she too pointed out how he stood out from everyone in that documentary. When the internet started to reallytake off I searched for anything related to Monster Kody...Hell till this day my original Yahoo name is Monster Kody(when I open it up it still says Hello Monster..LOL) When I heard about how he went back to prison and then his battle with crack cocaine that shyt broke my heart. This was after the 10 year anniversary of that Million Man March and it seemed as if all the hype from the 90's was officially dead. Fast foward to 2014 and here we are. No more hype just end results of a lot of problems. When I express this its not from hate its from seeing where all the talk went. Farrakhan is still telling people that Elijah Muhammad is alive on a ufo and worried about forien affairs when Chicago is in turmoil. If you dont understand where I'm coming from when I express my dissapointment at empty words then just stay blind. Let the talkers and rabble rousers keep you in a europhic state. Show me who your heros are and I can tell u who u are. When I point out the misteps Pac took its not from an angle of hate..Its being realistic. When being realistic is ignored when speaking on Pac then the conversation can never be observed properly and history will keep repeating itself.
Nah cuz I don't have a problem with what you said here its the other bullshyt you been saying throughout the thread...youll make a good post and then say some bullshyt,hyporcitical bullshyt that just has me
...Monster Kody who was a known killer "breaks your heart" when he goes back to doin what he been doin...Yet you ignore Pacs reasons for doing what he doin when he's giving you a glimpse inside his mind...and you say Biggie wasn't a problem but use 2 pac lyrics against him all while saying you can separate entertainment and reality...
Pac cant help it that it felt more real when he said it...If you just wanted to say the word "revolutionary" means something much bigger to you than what Pac embodied personally,dont think anybody could've faulted you for came in on some angry shyt and on a mission to downplay everything GOOD thing Pac did and planned on doing....all while admiring Monster Kody and being heartbroken he didn't live up to his sound a little too damn angry and irrational,of course people are going to get defensive bcuz that's human nature....
seem like you will spin shyt whichever way to fit your agenda then get mad when people don't want to discuss anything with wasting my breath now to tell you why other people don't wanna waste they breath or are choosing to shyt on everything you saying being that it waste less time and energy to tell you "Get ya disgruntle east coast biggie stan azz outta here we see the agenda"
First off...u quoted me wrong. Never once in any post did I say 'Biggie wasn't a problem'..I been saying for years that Biggies music was extra negative. So that destroys your claim that I used Pac lyrics against him as being hypocritical.
again...u are quoting me wrong. When the hell did I downplay EVERYTHING good Pac did u fool? Everything I have said has been a response to the posted video fool... I kept saying over and over again that Pac was a great rapper and actor. My only gripe was how the 2 men in that video didnt live up to their talk and I pointed out how Pac contradicted everything he said in that video by attacking Biggie the way he did and threatening to slice up Lauryns face. Thats a fact..not an opinion. I cant even respond to the part u mentioned about Monster Kody and me being heartbroken because u quoted me wrong.
aa buddy...U just spinned everything I said by misquoting me. And then u are co signing the bullsh*t. I have one person who neged me because I brought up how Diddy was actually doing what Pac was only talking about with Daddys House and they left the comment "Diddy was a Judas"...LOL....Another person left the comment that he negged me because I refered to the people who were involved in Pac being set up for rape as N!ggers....LOL...I guess the guys who set Pac up shouldnt be referd to as N!ggers huh?.......Dudes arent even serious with their responses.
Even u....your response was one sided...U immediatly assume that I have an east coast bias because I didnt come in this thread to suck Pac off like most did. NO....I responded to the empty promises in the video. Thats it, end of story.
"Bigge was part of the problem? Are u freaking serious? What problem would that be ? Pac jumped on a record label that was known for negative gangster rap and Biggie was the problem? Biggie was a dope emcee.....if we talking Hip Hop the problem at the time would be wack lyrics. Biggie wasnt that"-smokeurobinson
Didn't see any mention of Biggies negative lyrics,the problem is only wack emcees and biggie wasn't that right? meanwhile you bring up Pacs lyrics to downplay Pac EXCESSIVLEY throughout the thread,all while saying you can separate entertainment from the person which you obviously cant....fukk outta here with that "bu bu but I said he was a good actor and rapper" don't do nobody no favors and throw us no bones you don't have a choice but to throw,thats not relevant to what we talking about or what you downplaying in this thread.
That's not all you did,but thanks,end of story goodbye.
And oh you got negged?
You think I give a fukk,you had it coming...I don't know any black people that would call another black person ****** youd have to be a cac,so now that I think about it im taking time out to do something revolutionary ,take ACTION and neg the shyt out you
I dontget it? what does that have to do with my original statement? Snoop was just as negative and he was cool with Pac? U make no sense.
U piece oif sh*t....again u misquoted me.....u only took bits and pieces of my words and spun them to fit your bullsh*t.....U just quoted something that had nothing to do with comparing who had negative lyrics.....U quoted me responding to someone who cliamed Pac went after Biggie for some sort of grand cause......Had nothing to do with negative lyrics..You're a piece of sh*t for misquoting me like a matter of a fact....Notice how this following quote contradicts everything u just said
Thats my response on page 23 of me comparing Snoops negative lyrics to Biggie negative lyrics...
so that contradicts your whole statement idiot.
I cant even have a resonable convo with you...U just misquoted me again and more then likely it was on purpose because I was actually making sense.
The fact that u have misquoted me over and over again proves that you aren't even serious. I'm done talking to u....Misquoting me just to prove a point doesnt prove a point.
First time I read Monsters book was in 97...I was the manager of Know Thy Self Bookstore which at the tim ewas on 142nd and Amsterdam in Harlem.....The bookstore had all of those hard to find Black themed books such as Metu Neter, The Ises Papers, Elijah Muhammads Theology Of Time CD's,
ect. Monster sbook was in the mix and as I did with pretty much every book in there I would sit behind the counter and read.....I remember how I would anticipate opening the store the next day to read the next chapters..It was then that I concluded Monster had the ability to be the next Malcolm X. This was the mid late 90's and teh essence of the Million Man March was still in the air. There was actual hope for some sort of Black revolution if not physically then atleast politically or consciously. I remember Monster doing these little articles in either Rap Pages or XXL(cant remember which) and he was dropping some real gems....I remember he concluded how at the end of Superfly Priest needed white hitmen to help him escape and that subconsciously it was telling Black audiences that a Blackman cant be free without the whitemans help. That was deep. The first time I saw him in motion was on BET when Aunt Cookie from Next Friday had that show with them 2 other chicks. He was quoting Dead Prez and dropping more gems. Dude in my eyes was really on some hero status sh*t. Then when I seen the DVD Street Wars in like 2002 or 2003 and seeing him just be himself...That was mind blowing cuz he was gangster but he spoke so intellegently....Like he had some sense. I showed that DVD to my teen mom cousin and she too pointed out how he stood out from everyone in that documentary. When the internet started to reallytake off I searched for anything related to Monster Kody...Hell till this day my original Yahoo name is Monster Kody(when I open it up it still says Hello Monster..LOL) When I heard about how he went back to prison and then his battle with crack cocaine that shyt broke my heart. This was after the 10 year anniversary of that Million Man March and it seemed as if all the hype from the 90's was officially dead. Fast foward to 2014 and here we are. No more hype just end results of a lot of problems. When I express this its not from hate its from seeing where all the talk went. Farrakhan is still telling people that Elijah Muhammad is alive on a ufo and worried about forien affairs when Chicago is in turmoil. If you dont understand where I'm coming from when I express my dissapointment at empty words then just stay blind. Let the talkers and rabble rousers keep you in a europhic state. Show me who your heros are and I can tell u who u are. When I point out the misteps Pac took its not from an angle of hate..Its being realistic. When being realistic is ignored when speaking on Pac then the conversation can never be observed properly and history will keep repeating itself.
First time I read Monsters book was in 97...I was the manager of Know Thy Self Bookstore which at the tim ewas on 142nd and Amsterdam in Harlem.....The bookstore had all of those hard to find Black themed books such as Metu Neter, The Ises Papers, Elijah Muhammads Theology Of Time CD's,
ect. Monster sbook was in the mix and as I did with pretty much every book in there I would sit behind the counter and read.....I remember how I would anticipate opening the store the next day to read the next chapters..It was then that I concluded Monster had the ability to be the next Malcolm X. This was the mid late 90's and teh essence of the Million Man March was still in the air. There was actual hope for some sort of Black revolution if not physically then atleast politically or consciously. I remember Monster doing these little articles in either Rap Pages or XXL(cant remember which) and he was dropping some real gems....I remember he concluded how at the end of Superfly Priest needed white hitmen to help him escape and that subconsciously it was telling Black audiences that a Blackman cant be free without the whitemans help. That was deep. The first time I saw him in motion was on BET when Aunt Cookie from Next Friday had that show with them 2 other chicks. He was quoting Dead Prez and dropping more gems. Dude in my eyes was really on some hero status sh*t. Then when I seen the DVD Street Wars in like 2002 or 2003 and seeing him just be himself...That was mind blowing cuz he was gangster but he spoke so intellegently....Like he had some sense. I showed that DVD to my teen mom cousin and she too pointed out how he stood out from everyone in that documentary. When the internet started to reallytake off I searched for anything related to Monster Kody...Hell till this day my original Yahoo name is Monster Kody(when I open it up it still says Hello Monster..LOL) When I heard about how he went back to prison and then his battle with crack cocaine that shyt broke my heart. This was after the 10 year anniversary of that Million Man March and it seemed as if all the hype from the 90's was officially dead. Fast foward to 2014 and here we are. No more hype just end results of a lot of problems. When I express this its not from hate its from seeing where all the talk went. Farrakhan is still telling people that Elijah Muhammad is alive on a ufo and worried about forien affairs when Chicago is in turmoil. If you dont understand where I'm coming from when I express my dissapointment at empty words then just stay blind. Let the talkers and rabble rousers keep you in a europhic state. Show me who your heros are and I can tell u who u are. When I point out the misteps Pac took its not from an angle of hate..Its being realistic. When being realistic is ignored when speaking on Pac then the conversation can never be observed properly and history will keep repeating itself.