I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
Another trash Raw, they cant book this show for nothing.. They havent made anyone look better after going to raw, NXT call ups either become comedy acts, lose their last name, or just get left off tv for months.
Smackdown talent that heats up on Tuesdays move to raw and lose their edge, get left off tv for months or get stuck in midcard purgatory, even becky has been cooled off after showing up a few times. Its whoever is writing and booking this show has no idea what they are doing.. I fast fowarded threw so much
There is no mid card, tag divsion or any reason to care about anyone that isnt in a title match.
Brock not being there should by default either elevate the IC title or get someone else in line to be the next top guy.. they somehow managed to do neither.
Why would beth and natty get a title shot when beth just came back last week?
why wouldnt nia jax mention that while trying to get he team in the match? she cut that youtuber level promo and didnt say nothing about wanting a title shot or beth not deserving it?
Why would cole give away braun being Finns tag team partner?
Why is braun in the memorial battle royal? what does he have to gain in winning yet another meaningless royal rumble with no prize?
Where was the revival?
Why even tease baron corbin getting the angle match? how does that help or make anything better?
why are they trying so hard to swerve us on every angle? why cant they just set a match and build it based on the two competitiors needing the win and wanting their mania moment?
Ronda's segment was dope eventhough I alsmost skipped it cause dana brook is brooklyn brawler status
Rosuey should just keep doing stuff like this, the tweeting and YT videos are not needed, she doesnt need to say scripted and fake and all that to get the point accross that she is a legit fighter and is pissed at the fans and can and will do whatever she wants
Smackdown talent that heats up on Tuesdays move to raw and lose their edge, get left off tv for months or get stuck in midcard purgatory, even becky has been cooled off after showing up a few times. Its whoever is writing and booking this show has no idea what they are doing.. I fast fowarded threw so much
There is no mid card, tag divsion or any reason to care about anyone that isnt in a title match.
Brock not being there should by default either elevate the IC title or get someone else in line to be the next top guy.. they somehow managed to do neither.
Why would beth and natty get a title shot when beth just came back last week?
why wouldnt nia jax mention that while trying to get he team in the match? she cut that youtuber level promo and didnt say nothing about wanting a title shot or beth not deserving it?
Why would cole give away braun being Finns tag team partner?
Why is braun in the memorial battle royal? what does he have to gain in winning yet another meaningless royal rumble with no prize?
Where was the revival?
Why even tease baron corbin getting the angle match? how does that help or make anything better?
why are they trying so hard to swerve us on every angle? why cant they just set a match and build it based on the two competitiors needing the win and wanting their mania moment?
Ronda's segment was dope eventhough I alsmost skipped it cause dana brook is brooklyn brawler status
Rosuey should just keep doing stuff like this, the tweeting and YT videos are not needed, she doesnt need to say scripted and fake and all that to get the point accross that she is a legit fighter and is pissed at the fans and can and will do whatever she wants