Mods banning bad posters appreciation thread

The Half-Blood FKA Prince

Avada Kedavbreh!
May 24, 2022
Which is why I asked why stillbenefitted was reporting folks
Do not waste the mods time
@blackestofpanthers did 50-60 reports in a short period of time

You see me talking about Nicole, she was directly responsible for a lot of unfair bannings.
She would tell you straight up she untouchable, she can do what she want on thecoli.

Her and her crew got me bushed/banned a few times. In fact I would say they responsible for ALL the times I been bushed.
Here is how it works.
An alt or a trash poster starts talking shyt to you
Violent shyt, disrespectul shyt, wild shyt

If you also respond with some violent or tough shyt
Her crew hit the report button

So the mods now think its a dozen posters reporting a person.
When it is Nicole n crew.

Nicole is what you call a bytch and a spoiled woman.
Even if it destroys the coli, she will do and get what she wants.

And what she wants is control, fear, power, MODSHIP with her dominican isle of hispaniola self.
Yes her father is from dominican republic.
She hispanic. Nothing wrong with that. Yet she pretends to hate hispanics.
I understand breh. i can appreciate the tight spot u in (:dame:)Someone talks shyt u cant not clap back cause these mean coli streets will think u soft. And then everyone got the greenlight more shyt :lupe:

I wasnt always such a square u know. But i found Jesus and he lifted me out that e-thuggin life and i never looked back. :blessed:

im not trying to preach though, but maybe i could put u on to some scripture when u ready to leave that life alone breh. U a funny breh man, id hate to see u get clapped and end up takin that ban nap.

U aint gotta go out like that man. This e thuggin life will only lead to the bushes or a ban :rip: :troll: Have ya mama crying while they puttin white chalk thru ya name.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Did you learn about context clues in school? Im clearly listing things that werent rape,that a woman could later paint as rape without proper context. How would pressuring a woman with a gun to have sex, not be considered rape in any era/context? The comma clearly is there to seperate the gun from the pressure:respect:

First, let's define the word Pressure:

The use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make someone do something.

Having a gun out on the dressure in full view while you "pressure" women, because you admitted it was women and not just a woman, is outright intimidation. Intimidating a woman for sex is Sexual Assault, you know the word you hate, Rape. When you did that, multiple times, you were raping women. Your use of a comma does not change that fact that you used intimidation to get women to have sex with you.

You sir are a Rapist. You are now on here trying to act like you are righteous, when you still can't recognize what you did in the past is outright wrong. This is why you are reminded of what you have done by people on here over and over. You have the nerve to lecture other Black men claiming we are all abusers, while you having admitted that you intimidated women into sex by having your gun exposed on the dresser.

You are exactly what I stated you are. A man who has done evil and now wants to spread the blame of the evil you have done to women over all Black men, like it is natural for Black men to abuse women like you have. Most Black men are not out here pressuring women for sex. Hell, the very act of pressuring sex denotes that you are convincing women to have sex with you that do not desire to. That very act in itself can easily be considered Sexual Assault. Add the gun in and it is most definitely rape.

"Sexual coercion is most likely to happen with someone you already have some type of relationship with. Sexual activity should always happen with your consent. If you are being pressured or coerced into sexual activity, that may be a type of sexual assault and it may be against the law."


Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I understand breh. i can appreciate the tight spot u in (:dame:)Someone talks shyt u cant not clap back cause these mean coli streets will think u soft. And then everyone got the greenlight more shyt :lupe:

I wasnt always such a square u know. But i found Jesus and he lifted me out that e-thuggin life and i never looked back. :blessed:

im not trying to preach though, but maybe i could put u on to some scripture when u ready to leave that life alone breh. U a funny breh man, id hate to see u get clapped and end up takin that ban nap.

U aint gotta go out like that man. This e thuggin life will only lead to the bushes or a ban :rip: :troll:

There are guys on the coli who live in gang infested areas. Been to prison. Living that life currently.
NONE of those guys act tough on the coli.
None of those guys fukk with people.
And if you see them go off, somebody messed with them.

That matches with the tough guys I know offline. They do not fukk with people. Especially so called civilians.

I say that to say, when a person is on the internet, KNOWING or should know, everyone is watching.
All kinds of bots and agencies. Looking for key words and threats.

One would never act certain ways.

It is as those who truly have money, they do not brag about it. The irs is EVERYWHERE. Especially electronically.

Trust me I am ok. All this happened over a series of threads and months.
So it would be difficult to explain.
When I told them in my library my favorite books are by certain authors.
Musashi, Green, Socrates etc etc
They were not paying attention
One of my best traits, is paying EXTRA attention to those things that interest me.

Positive Poster

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Depression = drinking and beefing with forum text on your computer screen for entertainment



Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
First, let's define the word Pressure:

The use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make someone do something.

Having a gun out on the dressure in full view while you "pressure" women, because you admitted it was women and not just a woman, is outright intimidation. Intimidating a woman for sex is Sexual Assault, you know the word you hate, Rape. When you did that, multiple times, you were raping women. Your use of a comma does not change that fact that you used intimidation to get women to have sex with you.

You sir are a Rapist. You are now on here trying to act like you are righteous, when you still can't recognize what you did in the past is outright wrong. This is why you are reminded of what you have done by people on here over and over. You have the nerve to lecture other Black men claiming we are all abusers, while you having admitted that you intimidated women into sex by having your gun exposed on the dresser.

You are exactly what I stated you are. A man who has done evil and now wants to spread the blame of the evil you have done to women over all Black men, like it is natural for Black men to abuse women like you have. Most Black men are not out here pressuring women for sex. Hell, the very act of pressuring sex denotes that you are convincing women to have sex with you that do not desire to. That very act in itself can easily be considered Sexual Assault. Add the gun in and it is most definitely rape.

"Sexual coercion is most likely to happen with someone you already have some type of relationship with. Sexual activity should always happen with your consent. If you are being pressured or coerced into sexual activity, that may be a type of sexual assault and it may be against the law."

You posted the definition where the first word is persuasion,but then decide I was intimidating them. The reason you think this way is because you possibly are a suburbanite. Not every woman is intimidated by the site of a gun. You are making that assumption on their behalf,because a black man with a gun is scary to you personally. If I go into a home/bedroom and put my gun on the dresser for comfort before I sit. The woman isnt phased or intimidated at all. Later in the night I begin to persuade the woman to have sex. Somehow you jump to the conclusion she was intimidated. Of course if you frame it as if I pull out the gun,then immediately pull out my penis and say "I think you have a job to do:demonic:" it sounds sinsister.

You immediately jump to the sinister version rather then seek clarity,because you have a sinsiter mind. The entire point was that years after the fact. Women can paint a sinister scenario out of something that wasnt sinister.
Turns out grown men on thecoli are those women for me. Perfect teachable moment where yall helped prove my point in real time:respect:.#WeCanAllBeCosby
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Aug 9, 2013
This is a good point too. If i was a mod with banning powers i would have no issue sitting down any and everyone wasting my time and resources with bullshyt reports. If i like ya i might shoot ya one warning but after that im gettin ya out ny hair for at least 30 days, and repeat the process until said poster finally gets the point.

God bless houston, breh a way better patient man than me cause that shyt would erk the fukk out me fr.

i'd feel like a real bytch running to the mods telling about anything really. makes me wonder how some of these dudes deal with real life, but i have a pretty good idea.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
@Roland Coltrane, I was banned from the Billy Ocean thread. So cannot answer in there.
Yet yes there are discords.
Some seem more exclusive than others.

Folks thought I was secretly a part of them. Yet I just noticed certain posters would seem to pop up at the same time.
Then one poster might make a flagrant thread, and those same posters whop pop up at the same time have seemingly ready arguements. Or they pop up with a years old quote, and go at a poster they all hate.
Then on rare occasions they might say "see you at the next spot/discord", or when major drama spill over.

I have never been in one, so cannot say what is what. Just from what I see here.


Dec 30, 2014
"She" be in their pm threatening them if they don't defend "her". I think it was @DrexlersFade who exposed her for jumping in his DM with threats talking about "she" was coming for him next if he didn't jump out there and defend "her"

A lot of these brehs be posting under duress :pachaha:

When I said a lotta people were scared, months ago, yall said I was crazy.
She really got secrets.
Got saved posts can drop on any poster to end their coli career.
That bytch can't do a fukking thing to me and shyt suspect in my post history oh and she tried it's crazy how she be having nikkas shook.
Mar 11, 2022