This is true theu are killing whites out here like fukk. But if we are splitting hairs most of them are justified....ALOT OF BLACK ONES ARE NOT...
But dude they are already talking a Grand Jury indictment after 2 fukking 1 one of these things is not like the other.....
Oh hes black..okay...oh hes Muslim as well.....

It took a fukking riot for them to indict Freddie Grays killer...and Zimmerman was walking around for MONTHS before they even started talking about finally charged him.
2 fukking days and this discussion is already on the tabel...
Everything you say true, and this shooting won't be treated the same cause she a suburban White chick, but I want to back up a second.
British cops kill like 1 or 2 people a year.
Same with German cops.
American cops kill more than 1000 people a year.
Think about it.
Bullshyt on justified. If they were trained better and under control, at least 900 of those killings don't happen.
Yeah, when you look at the WORST killings, like 60% of them Black people, and that messed up. But literally dozens of White people getting shot in all sorts of ridiculous circumstances too.
I saw a list of the 100 worst shootings of 2015. At least that we know about. Black people were way disproportionate on the list, but you should have seen the White people on there.
Some White chick got offed when she was just driving away from a party when a cop jumped up on her hood and shot her through the windshield like a Russian commando.
An unarmed white kid with mental issues who weighed 100 pounds got executed by a cop even while two other cops were holding him down, with the kid's dad right there.
A white ROTC boy got killed by some female cop just cause he answered the door with a Wii in his hand. No questions asked.
One real crazy one was where a guy crashed his car drunk driving. Officer came up behind the car and shot dude in the head when he tried to get out. Then he didn't even report the shooting.
This is a White Supremacy problem AND a general cop violence problem. We need to address both those things or Black folk will continue to die.