that cashier job or sprint job turns into executive communications director online

that cashier job or sprint job turns into executive communications director online
As much as people bag on getting older, it really is the GOAT thing. I have enough money and energy to do what I want, but I have the wisdom to know what's a waste and what's not. I am perfectly happy going for a walk in the park with my wife and our two dogs and then going to see a $20 movie and eating $8 ice cream.
Young people will spend hundreds of dollars on going out outfits and alcohol, weekend after weekend, for no real gain, while older people spend less and couldn't care less.
And socially inept without drugs and/or alcohol.Most are broke
Sorry millenials...your not the first generation to put in work.......just the laziest.
I was in college and worked full time hours and still was out partying an living life, who in the world just "chills" in the house at 21-24
This generation is just wack...
An full of excuses..student debt had been around excuses.