Eastside Get The Money
Nah we just a part of the Broke Phi Broke faternaity
Sorry millenials...your not the first generation to put in work.......just the laziest.
I was in college and worked full time hours and still was out partying an living life, who in the world just "chills" in the house at 21-24
This generation is just wack...
An full of excuses..student debt had been around forever..no excuses.
This is trueIn New Orleans it's kinda hard to not go out. Outside the violence New Orleans is always poppin, some type convention, fest, dj, second line is going to be happening. Or u can just go get something to eat cause the food is great
In New Orleans it's kinda hard to not go out. Outside the violence New Orleans is always poppin, some type convention, fest, dj, second line is going to be happening. Or u can just go get something to eat cause the food is great
In other words, large corporations are getting concerned that people aren't throwing their money in a bottomless pit.
Night game is dead because they have made the main attraction to night game a brothel-esque style experience.
Where there is no reward for a regular non-trick non-john to partake in night game.
As the end game will not result in anything worth while to him that was advertised as a result of entertaining night game.
No real man wants to go to a track or brothel based environment as the rule when going out.
Art Barr
They talking all that ish but if they keep fukking around with that introverted shyt they gonna end up turning into the japanese fukkboys of the 21st century
speak for yourselfNothing has changed. People just do things differently now. We just see truth for what life in America is.
We are fukked through loans (school, mortgage, cars) so we have replaced and live rental lives. So don't directly
attach ourselves to long term troubles. Watch our parents go through bs marriages
Go to movies has become netflixs, tv on demand
Going to club to talk and get validation has become social media
Dating is the same shyt it's always been friends, or friends of a friend, app dating services
Its funny how everyone tries to paint a different picture but its the same shyt, our parents
sent money going out to eat, guess what? Our generation spends money eating out everyday
You know how many of these chicks can't cook now a days. We want things immediately
whether that's food, money, etc
Most people staying at home, are doing it because it's an option. Does not mean they are saving money,
generation broke AF eating, leasing cars etc
And the brothers/sisters actually doing shyt with their lives who someone in my position should hang out with, are usually the type who grew up staying indoors
We are being replaced by automation. If you aren't in a well coursed field of study or top notch
with whatever you are pursuing in the work force. Better believe 40 hours is not the reality of
surviving America standard anymore.
My only concern for my generation is we are lazy. The school standard has barely changed for what it
expects out of us compared to our parents but we have access to information at light years speed compared
to our parents reading straight out a book when I can easily search up specific task a professor wants.
shyt rn I'm taking 7 courses and working full time before I graduate this semester and still manage to have a life
We have the most information to succeed at anything at a fraction of TIME/COST because information isn't limited anymore
but doesn't mean shyt. Mfers don't care to learn more than what's asked of them.
Real talkwhile older people spend less and couldn't care less.
Plus simple things like drinks and bottle service prices are hyperinflated as it is. Mixed drinks should cost 5 to 7 across the board, beers should be $2, and everything else should be for free. Night life is like the dying malls across America: they refuse to change, now less people go to,them.
Nothing has changed. People just do things differently now. We just see truth for what life in America is.
We are fukked through loans (school, mortgage, cars) so we have replaced and live rental lives. So don't directly
attach ourselves to long term troubles. Watch our parents go through bs marriages
Go to movies has become netflixs, tv on demand
Going to club to talk and get validation has become social media
Dating is the same shyt it's always been friends, or friends of a friend, app dating services
Its funny how everyone tries to paint a different picture but its the same shyt, our parents
sent money going out to eat, guess what? Our generation spends money eating out everyday
You know how many of these chicks can't cook now a days. We want things immediately
whether that's food, money, etc
Most people staying at home, are doing it because it's an option. Does not mean they are saving money,
generation broke AF eating, leasing cars etc
And the brothers/sisters actually doing shyt with their lives who someone in my position should hang out with, are usually the type who grew up staying indoors
We are being replaced by automation. If you aren't in a well coursed field of study or top notch
with whatever you are pursuing in the work force. Better believe 40 hours is not the reality of
surviving America standard anymore.
My only concern for my generation is we are lazy. The school standard has barely changed for what it
expects out of us compared to our parents but we have access to information at light years speed compared
to our parents reading straight out a book when I can easily search up specific task a professor wants.
shyt rn I'm taking 7 courses and working full time before I graduate this semester and still manage to have a life
We have the most information to succeed at anything at a fraction of TIME/COST because information isn't limited anymore
but doesn't mean shyt. Mfers don't care to learn more than what's asked of them.