Formerly Black Trash
Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Yup@Rarely-Wrong Liggins was spitting from the pulpit in this thread
Yup@Rarely-Wrong Liggins was spitting from the pulpit in this thread
They should move to Louisville & get them a fat trailer trash white woman.
There's plenty of cigarette smoekin HAWGs out there tht will have no problem scooopin up a black man off tha streets & takin care of em.![]()
The fact of the matter is the overwhelming majority of men want to work. We crave it on an instinctual level. But I do feel sorry for any breh out here looking for work with no connections. Prepare to be strung along by failed housewives and CNAs in HR. And it's hard to go to the "community" for help because either there are no connections or your plight will be used for laughs and gossip. You just have to hope that it's time to hire a black male that day.
This. The lack of empathy people have for the unemployed is appalling.Like you couldn't lose your job tomorrow or get sick or hurt not be able to do your job any more.
Even the seemingly nicest folks with the best intentions can be judgemental as fukk to a down on his luck breh. There is definitely a culture of victim blaming in Amerikkka. The hypocrisy is that the majority of people who judge others for not having a job got their job through connections, yet they look down on people without connections who have to find work the hard way by sending out dozens of resumes and filling out apps en masse at random on job boards and end up getting these hard jobs with sky high turnover rates at crooked companies that are advertised on Indeed and the like. The funny thing about "connections" is that you might know someone, or even several people, who could get you in the door at a good job, but for whatever reason they don't like your ass enough and will just help their brown nosing dikkiding friends and not you.
Because these jobs are shyt and temporary - ESPECIALLY if you don't have a degree. The whole ordeal is a grueling degrading bullshyt ass process with bullshyt ass people you have to deal just to get a chance at this flaky ass job.
Many of these low wage jobs require assesments online that could take an hour, even 100 questions assessments just to flip some burgers, and YOU still most likely will not get the job.
Think about how fukking time consuming, enraging, degrading and wasteful this process IS.
Speaking of college, good look making it if you can't just go to a university for whatever reason. Many people can only go to a community college, which makes your situation much harder than Uni because you have to work, go to the CC and have enough money to survive on your own (no dorms) unless you're with parents, and still have to pass those classes. Big reason why the graduation rate is so low at community colleges.
And that's if your job is flexible enough to accommodate your college schedule. And by "accommodating" they most likely are just cutting your hours. Less money for the bills.
A lot of these jobs are inflexible as fukk! Not consistent at all!You're lucky if you get a 9 to 5. They just wanna work whatever hours the need you. Could be the morning, or it could be midnight. Good luck to anyone juggling that shyt and going to community college and paying they bills! Yikes!
I don't want any black women who are reading this to think that we resent you, we're just laying out the facts as they are. Black women should be using this time to build and eat as much as they can. I foresee them being the next target of white women once white men have allowed them a stool at the adjacent kid's table. There are too many of you all in positions they want for themselves. Watch out.
That is true, outside of STEM and Medical, women hold useless positions and get by because they have a degree in basket-weaving and pledged gamma delta sigma tau.etc.
Working in the IT field, I've met many female cac managers who knew nothing of tech, but had VP and executive positions....they probably 69'ed someone for it...
Anyway, society in general coddles women and allows many safety nets:
- College until phd without stigma
- Staying Home with Parents Until 30+
- Welfare
- Hiring Quotas
- Lowered Expecations for Job Duties
- Child Support
- Alimony
- Being a Thot/Sugarbaby
- No Accountability
Point is men can't graduate with a liberal arts degree like women and get an office job by showing some boobies, which a boss at one of my old jobs did, pure fukkery on the interview:
Thotty: "Hi, I'm Laura, nice to meet you"
Me: "Liberal Arts Mill, that is a good school. I see you have some experience with social media, so you managed a website for your school?"
Laura: "Yeah, I just uploaded photos, added descriptions"
Me: "So Meta-Data?"
Laura: "What's that?"
Boss: "Nino, that doesn't matter, can you make coffee?"
Get 70k in loans to make coffee ladies but claim to be a "Bad Boss bytch" with cracked iPhone screens....
Train Engineer jobs still exist, they pay in excess of $50,000 a year but the problem with these jobs
is the isolation and the long hours. Many people don't want to do this kind of gig because of that.
How to Become a Locomotive Engineer: Education and Career Roadmap
There are careers out here where people can make entry level engineer money with no degree
or a much easier degree to obtain (an associates for example) the only problem is just how hard some of them
can be on the body (or even mind) some people aren't built for that.
That is true, outside of STEM and Medical, women hold useless positions and get by because they have a degree in basket-weaving and pledged gamma delta sigma tau.etc.
Working in the IT field, I've met many female cac managers who knew nothing of tech, but had VP and executive positions....they probably 69'ed someone for it...
Anyway, society in general coddles women and allows many safety nets:
- College until phd without stigma
- Staying Home with Parents Until 30+
- Welfare
- Hiring Quotas
- Lowered Expecations for Job Duties
- Child Support
- Alimony
- Being a Thot/Sugarbaby
- No Accountability
Point is men can't graduate with a liberal arts degree like women and get an office job by showing some boobies, which a boss at one of my old jobs did, pure fukkery on the interview:
Thotty: "Hi, I'm Laura, nice to meet you"
Me: "Liberal Arts Mill, that is a good school. I see you have some experience with social media, so you managed a website for your school?"
Laura: "Yeah, I just uploaded photos, added descriptions"
Me: "So Meta-Data?"
Laura: "What's that?"
Boss: "Nino, that doesn't matter, can you make coffee?"
Get 70k in loans to make coffee ladies but claim to be a "Bad Boss bytch" with cracked iPhone screens....
I'm an auto adjuster and we are in the streets every day, sometimes starting at 7 and ending at 2pm on a good day .we not typing police reports we deal with body shops , tow companies and evaluate damage and make payments. This job doesn't require a degree but it does require a specific skillset plus a state license. I can hop into a major city and work for a insurance carrier cuz there is car accident s everywhere. There's a huge difference between a liability adjuster,claims and auto DAMAGE adjusting. Not one of the same. Plus nobody goes to school to be an adjuster, that shyt just happens haha. As long you got good working history dealing with people and understand cars a lil you can get in as long you interview well@Rarely-Wrong Liggins spitting fukking facts in this thread as anyone who works in an office will tell
To be an auto adjuster in my industry you need a 4 year degree. You might make 40-50k and have to live in a major metro
Go 30-40 k in debt to take phone calls and type up police reports
I'm worried for America and the whole world.![]()