As much as I agree with
@SuperCoolP_Cal I agree with you as well.
Yes, it's very true the gap between black and white wealth has been growing...whites have had a 400 year head start compared to us and played damn near every trick in the book to make sure we don't do better than them. That's cause they fear us. They fear our presence in America...they want us to remain the permanent underclass in America...they want us dead. We might as well try to keep our money in the community, but it's obvious this country was not meant for us at all...
When the emancipation proclaimation was was more of a business agreement than about our rights and freedoms and black americans. If Lincoln hadn't signed that, he would of shipped black people back to Africa. And look at what cacs did there...basically divided the country up and created chaos and confusion to try to usurp the land from it's wealth (so we don't get to it).
Even if we did make our own businesses and allowed them to prosper, I've come to the conclusion that there is something inherently wrong with them...whether genetic, passed on from generation to generation, that just refuses to let us live at all. They enjoy being on top of us (pause)...this is the same force at work that allows them to think that peaceful protests for justice by black folks should be met with 1,000 police officers, UAVs, Apache Helicopters, National Guard troops, Homeland Security surveillance trucks, and other assorted goodies.
Black people haven't understood who they are dealing with. These motherfukkers crash the economies of third world nations to keep them subservient to the third world for cheap labor and military bases. These people run the military, the government, the justice system, the economy. These people develop weapons of mass destruction to use on people of color in those third world countries they use for slave labor (remember, the US hasn't fought a war against a white country since WWII) that we haven't even seen yet. These people are EVIL. Never underestimate evil. They will NEVER just let us live. Their fear and paranoia against us and allegiance to maintaining white supremacy completely supercedes any sense of logic, rational thinking, common sense, or reason.