im not gonna get speculative on what ifs between characters pre-release. im still getting this because i trust jake solomon - the guy who legit resurrected xcom and made it the standard for strategy games the past 10 years lol.So where’s the challenge in the game if there’s no cover system and not everyone has ranged attacks? I feel like the only other way you can make the game is like ff tactics (and actual role playing games) and I dont think that works for marvel characters
For example, if im Ironman whats to stop me from just lightin up the entire arena with my multi-rocket move every turn? I’m trying to think how other way they could make a turn based tactics game with characters that have such a huge scope of powers
the fact is card based games are a thing because they're easier to design. you push the decision-making back from the actual action to before the encounters start. and you're tying equipment directly to those *potential* actions that may be available as well. fukk a cooldown or resource cost, its just not even there to use.
its inherently limiting on the player. and most players hate it.
plus trying to scale anything to marvel/dc/anime/etc power levels is a challenge... but the amount of people actually hung up on that bit is non-existent. the people who will immediately bush card games though? ijs