never thought i would see this glorious day.
After 34 long months Xbox finally won a month
Because this is the section of the website where you post this type of info. You ultimate warrior running to this thread to throw shade is exactly the ongoing issue with this section. If I was a mod, I'd teach you a lesson in mannersWhy is this even a thread at this point?
If this was some fluke raise due to a popular game releasing, then you could act this way. When the Xbox 360 was murdering the ps3 and Sony was about to fold? Sony came out with the ps3 slim and you dudes swore that would be the difference maker. It did help. Now history is repeating itself and Xbox 1 S seems to be even more powerful than the ps4 The fact NEO is just some weak upgrade makes the Xbox brand that much more attractive moving forward. Men lie, woman lie, numbers say Xbox won
After 8 long months Xbox finally won a month
These the type of replies that scream "At least use Vaseline "3DS actually won the month.
Even when y'all win, you still come in second.
That would be a great deal for us, the gamers. You sound salty bruh, don't forget to add we get 4 games a month via XBL. So while they feeding us good, I have to clarify the truth. The give free game deals was for one free game of note, then some good throwaway games. Ori, rare replay, gears of war ultimate edition. Great games that have come and gone. I was born and raised in an era where a free game and two controllers was mandatory. Sorry you too stupid to realize this...Those $250 consoles with 5 free games finally did something.
No, all of these butt hurt replies is the reminder, the majority of replies is you guys crying. Then after you take over the thread with your cries you'll say "see, Xbox threads don't thrive here"Posting this is just a reminder of how long one been losing
its nice to be back on top
Be like Glen Rice Jr. and go to Georgia tech yall
Because this is the section of the website where you post this type of info. You ultimate warrior running to this thread to throw shade is exactly the ongoing issue with this section. If I was a mod, I'd teach you a lesson in manners
Now, your reply tells me you're butt hurt over this. Look at the other butt hurt infused replies...
If this was some fluke raise due to a popular game releasing, then you could act this way. When the Xbox 360 was murdering the ps3 and Sony was about to fold? Sony came out with the ps3 slim and you dudes swore that would be the difference maker. It did help. Now history is repeating itself and Xbox 1 S seems to be even more powerful than the ps4 The fact NEO is just some weak upgrade makes the Xbox brand that much more attractive moving forward. Men lie, woman lie, numbers say Xbox won
These the type of replies that scream "At least use Vaseline "
That would be a great deal for us, the gamers. You sound salty bruh, don't forget to add we get 4 games a month via XBL. So while they feeding us good, I have to clarify the truth. The give free game deals was for one free game of note, then some good throwaway games. Ori, rare replay, gears of war ultimate edition. Great games that have come and gone. I was born and raised in an era where a free game and two controllers was mandatory. Sorry you too stupid to realize this...
No, all of these butt hurt replies is the reminder, the majority of replies is you guys crying. Then after you take over the thread with your cries you'll say "see, Xbox threads don't thrive here"
It's hard to have Xbox convos when the Sony heads group hate like this. Imagine the L.W.O. If they all posted in every Chicago bull thread, it wouldn't work. Lets make Atcadium great agi... Well, for the first time
I have to tip my hat to Microsoft they really going hard for casuals, if you don't care about online or performance Xbox one got you on lock! For 50 more than a new 360 you get an Xbox one and 5 games and access to a quarter of the 360 library if you broke and can't afford new games how is that not a win?
we all know the average American living paycheck to paycheck so ms is appealing to every Joe the plumber and Johnny six pack out there!
Nodo you think there is enough time for xbox to come back and win the generation