So, what is the big deal with EA and Microsoft being all buddy buddy?
Well for those not in the know, M$ and Activision are currently in bed while EA and Sony are partners.
Because of this, Xbox gets COD map packs early (same with most games on xbox)
But NEXT gen, the allegiances have switched sides. Activision is with sony and the game Destiny which is being made by the people who made Halo
That game will have exclusive DLC for PS4 (halo'ish content first on ps4
This will probably also affect Call of Duty DLC being first on PS4 as well but that hasn't been confirmed so honestly that is still up in the air. Maybe sony or M$ did or did not pay for the it? TBC
So, thats the sony side. What does Xbox have cooking?
Well, Battlefield 4 will have exclusive content on the new Xbox. Not sure if it will be permanent or just timed exclusive. I'd expect BOTH just like how PS3/4 sometimes gets stuff xbox gamers never get.
But EA has something bigger up there sleeves
Are you ready? Respawn Entertainment is making an exclusive IP for xbox that they will reveal either today/tomorrow/or at the xboxevent which can be seen on when the time comes (most likely next month)
Whats so special about Respawn Entertainment?
That is just the company that Jason West and Vince Zampella created
Who are they? They are just the guys who created Infinity Ward and Call of Duty
For those who don't know or recall, the creators of COD left Activision after Activision successfully gaffed the franchise from them, fired them
Got sued and lost, but still won cuz they was able to keep the name Call of Duty
So what is Respawn gonna do about it? Well, they are determined to take back whats theres. They are gonna make a game that shyts all over COD
These are the guys to do it since they created it. Its like Miyamoto himself making a new Mario game. YOU BETTER PAY ATTENTION!!!
There is no link, this info was passed on to me from a friend of mine who is currently at the show.
After doing a lil research, I found this tho...
And this link right here basically confirms it
Xbox 360 News: Where is Respawn's sci-fi shooter? "I would keep in mind we started from scratch" - Xbox 360 - The Official Magazine
I'm surprised this hasn't been talked about more so leading up to today