MS cares about sales but not really. I've been saying for years even before game pass its more about them being a house hold name that's not associated with computers.
They missed their opportunity with phones by not going all the way in, and they ain't trying to make the same mistake with gaming.
MS wants everyone to sub 1st and buy the games second. Therefore COD will be on other systems along with probably most of blizzards popular titles. DLC early access and things like that will be on Xbox 1st if I had to guess at some point however.
It makes zero sense to cut off sales of physical copies for people that can't, or won't sub to gamepass.
Eventually gamepass becomes too much of a value for people not to just sub, the family plan makes that even more attractive going forward.
If play everywhere and cloud gaming or gamepass wasn't around then yeah 1000 percent as soon as the could they would have made it a exclusive.
But they aren't looking to grow their market share in that way majority.