Bruh PS2 had the most diverse line up of games of any console in the history of gaming I don’t know what u getting at with this. There is NO console that appealed to more audiences aside from maybe SNES. There was nothing lazy about PS2 or the way they approached gaming. Majority of IP’s that we play till this day that are multiplat come from PlayStation.
Crash Bandicoot
Resident Evil
Metal Gear Solid
Silent Hill
Soul Blade/Caliber
Tomb Raider
Grand Theft Auto
Tony Hawk Pro Skater
shyt like Final Fantasy 7 changed the franchise forever
And there’s plenty more where that came from. If it wasn’t for PlayStation. These shyts wouldn’t exist. nikkas is talking too reckless in this thread tryna shyt on Sony. As far as Nintendo. They fukked Sony over back in 93/94 which is why Sony ended up making a console by themselves in the first place.
All those platforms may have started on Sony, but they're ending on Xbox. One by one. Sony simply don't have the resources to compete.
Not even the historic legacy and prestige of the PlayStation brand will save them in the future. You can gloat how great PS was back then, but that has no relevance today because Microsoft either owns these IP's or they will in the future.
Whatever multiplatform titles are still available, you'll be able to download them day 1 for free on Xbox Game Pass, vs paying 70 bucks for the PS5 version or waiting several weeks/months for it to show up on their trash ass PlayStation now