Billed as Bruno Sammartino 188th Madison Square Garden sellout, which is the new 93,173, this is one of the most star-studded Hall of Fame classes ever. The 77-year-old Sammartino returns to the building he headlined legitimately 138 times, more than anyone in history, and also wrestled in more times than anyone in history. The event is not without late controversy due to the decision to put Stratus as one of the three main eventers, ahead of Foley, or at least that was how it was advertised on Raw. According to a WWE source, they were not aware of the commercial (it was a USA Network commercial) and that they were 90 percent sure Foley will be part of the broadcast. In the past, everyone gets cameo time, but usually only two inductees, three max, are featured. Stephanie McMahon wanted to induct Stratus. As noted last week, Stratus had on her web site put up a poll asking who should induct her, and the results according to her, came up overwhelmingly for Lita. She then said she agreed with the decision, meaning she didn’t know any better at the time. According to those in WWE, a lot of the talent was upset when the commercial aired, not at all as a knock to Stratus, but just that Foley deserved better than to be treated as a prelim guy in the Hall of Fame. Many were even more upset about Trump getting top billing, but it’s WWE tradition at the Hall of Fame to put the celebrities ahead of all but the biggest star each year, and there’s no way Trump would appear if he wasn’t featured. We heard from a few people who were shocked when it appeard Foley was relegated to the off-TV grouping, and weren’t mincing words about it. Even I, who have been told time after time that the Hall of Fame is simply a vehicle to sell a DVD, felt Foley deserved a lot better, but it does appear he’ll get at least more than cameo time. With all due respect to Stratus, her career was not in the ballpark of Foley or Bob Backlund. Backlund headlined 67 times in Madison Square Garden and sold out 41 of them, and was the second longest reigning champion in history behind Sammartino. At press time, it has been announced that Sammartino will be inducted by Arnold Schwarzenegger, who unlike some combinations in the past, the two really were friends and had trained together dating back to the 60s, although of the wrestlers, Schwarzenegger was actually closer to Superstar Billy Graham during that period. Foley will be inducted by Terry Funk. Backlund will be inducted by Maria Menounos of the TV show Extra, who has wrestled at WrestleMania before, done well and is legitimately a big fan. It is rumored Booker T will be inducted by his brother, Stevie Ray, but WWE officials would not confirm that. Nothing also was said about Trump, although one WWE official suggested to us that Trump was going to insist on Vince McMahon because nobody else would be considered good enough for him.