Your TSC World Champion
Did you see Royal Rumble 2012? That's what Mick Foley has been reduced to over the years.
i dont care, Mick lost an ear and many of brain sells JUST to get over the hell in a cell and various superstars. Mick went in to thumbtacks to get orton a win, and hhh, nearly got his head caved in from chair shots from the rock to make it look good on camera, fell from the top of a hell in a cell in an unplanned spot for taker and the fans, then got back up and went through the cell and had a chair bounce off his face, teeth flew out his mouth and a piece of his ear gone, he went through a flaming table for edge at mania, and thats just the hardcore shyt
dude was apart of the highest rated segment in wwe history with rock, has classic promos and moments and has been a champion in wcw, wwe, and ecw. BEst selling author several times over. I know he is an attention whore who ruined his legendary image but dude's list of accomplishments and moments deserves to be recognized more so then donald trump, who yes, helped with like 3 or 4 manias, but was not as important to the business overall as foley was
Foley winning the title on a taped raw was the begining of the wwe/f killining wcw in ratings until wcw went out of business