Michelle Obama says men are 'entitled and self-righteous' because women protect them too much


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
I'm starting to get this perspective more and more. Just as we see white folks as being coddled by society, we have to realize that we too as men have a similar advantage ( but not even close in terms of scale to what white folks have).

We have to realize this and not get defensive when attention is brought to it because that is exactly what white people do :wow:

It's still a man's world last time I checked and throughout the world women and their issues are usually marginalized to an extent.

We should listen and become more aware of their struggles

Henri Christophe

Son Of Afrika
Jan 3, 2015
NYC / Royaume d'Haïti
Ahhhh I get it.... Michelle is talking about white males and bum ass nikkas

She aint talkin bout the nikkas who jumped off the porch and got it poppin from a young age.....

In that case, I agree :yeshrug:

Bum ass nikkas and white males be gettin coddled while real nikkas be handling business.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
this is pretty spot on and I think this type of knee jerk response to any form of critique is indicative of the coddling we're attempting to discuss and make men aware of.


You guys have no credible research to back up your claims just what you happen to think. And what you think is more inline with emotion.

You not being more proactive isn't because you were coddled rather not all too bright or a go-getter.

More men move into entrepreneurial roles than women even when the playing field is the same. More men will take on tougher jobs for little pay early on, because they are more future oriented than women and expect to move up. The previous point leads me to my next, more men end up earning a lot more money and having higher positions than women later on in life because they put in the work. Men are more than likely to generate their family wealth through properties, etc... than women.

Men are expected to be less emotional and more aggressive. Reason being is because men need to take care of their families. That leads me to my next point, as a result of that men are more prone to narcissism than women are and suffer from other emotional stresses because a lot is expected of them.

The whole spiel that men are coddled may be true in some cases, but it isn't significant as most men are raised under the idea that they must provide and be self sufficient.
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Black Nate Grey

The God Emperor of Mankind
Jan 24, 2014
I think ya might be thinking "America" too much and not realize this is an international summit.

In a lot of nations, there is a MAJOR problem with sons being coddled. Like, to the point where malnutrition rates, illness rates, even death rates are way higher for girls because the male babies are valued so much more than the good babies. The girls are treated really sternly their entire upbringing, while the boys are spoiled because they have responsibility for taking care of their parents when they are older, and I've heard people literally explain it as, "They think that if they upset him then he won't take care of them later on." So they spoil the hell out of the boy, excuse all his indiscretions, give him every opportunity, etc.

I mean, there are actual countries and subcultures where a family will :cape: for a son/brother/father who sexually abuses a child, even if the victim is another person in their own family, and do everything possible to cover it up. But that same family might kill their own daughter if she even had consensual sex outside of marriage. Of course not every place is like that, but there are levels to that shyt and even if they're not killing their daughters, they are still holding them to a completely different standard.

I've traveled enough to know exactly what she was talking about. And I'd bet you anything there be dysfunctional families like that in America too.
That's why the problem with with her spiel is she is blanketing groups that should not be blanketed and by doing so, is excusing or absolving certain groups (white women) by proxy.

She should be more specific, hence the toxic feedback in this thread. It doesn't reflect a lot of our reality at all.
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Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
This is literally the opposite of reality lol.

Nobody's coming to save average looking dudes who decide to major in 17th century literature and end up assed out without a job - it's over. You're a chick? Just hit the gym, get your nails done, and learn how to cook something (last piece optional) and some simp will make your $60k student loan debt his via marriage. Wanna be independent? Do the first thing and go hit myfreecams.

Women have really effective support networks? Sure, but usually it's uni-dimensional "rah rah" bullshyt - very few women who keep it real with each other have legitimate, 100% honest friendships. Brehs, how much shyt do your GFs / wives talk about their "friends"? The hate is real. Me and my boys tell each other we're fukking idiots for relationship / career / other moves all the time with no hurt feelings. Just hear each other out and KIM. And yeah it's inherently competitive, but not on the catty shyt that women tend to be on. My buddy's success is my inspiration.

I'm pro-female inclusion / affirmative action in the workforce, but any breh who's been in corporate America knows how coddled these women (really, white women) are - at least at the junior levels. shyt changes toward the top, and there's a legitimate problem there, but I'd argue it's connected. A society that expects men to compete and be breadwinners at all costs is a society in which women can't compete with those men at the highest levels.

Had a white female coworker tell our boss she was going home early because she was tired and feeling stressed - at 3pm on a Wednesday. Another white female coworker got drunk and was literally grabbing dude's dikks and asses at a company social event - kept her job. Just "Someone call her an uber".

I could go on and on.

And women's attitudes towards male responsibilities / roles really HAVE NOT CHANGED at all since the feminist movement. If you're a sensitive simp looking for a woman to help shoulder breadwinning responsibilities, co-lead the direction of your economic lives, and be the emotional rock of the relationship more than 10, maybe 20% of the time: YOU WILL TAKE THAT L. In one way or another - maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but you will take that L.

Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015

Isn't Black women surpassing Black men means that Black men are actually out here living a hard life while selfish and entitled Black women are outchea acting like they deserve got damn Tupac in a Business Suit and saying stupid shyt to appease White liberals and White feminists.

Black men are the most incarcerated and government supervised group in the country. It would make us Superman if we were the top demographic in the country.

What kind of a logic do you nikkas subscribe to...

That's like a CEO saying fast food workers don't work hard and you go..."Yup, he's right, he's rich."

they are supposing boys in the classroom and college before it even gets to that...you gotta be a russian bot

Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015
So how does that make her "right"? If black women have collectively surpassed black men then how is that a result of "women protecting men too much"?

Who is raising these boys before they become men:hhh:

Like seriously some of yall arent working with a full deck here. its obviously she is alluding to raising of children.

WTF is wrong with yall :scust: