As a non-American black man, I honestly think it's really weird that some of y'all Ameri-brehs feel this way.
I mean, real talk we (black people all over the globe, ESPECIALLY the ones not in America) did not think Obama was going to win, at least not until we saw his speeches just a bit before election.
But I think we knew enough about the system to understand that he wasn't just going to switch up the whole system as president. Maybe it's just me, but the knowledge that presidents are usually puppets is pretty common-wide worldwide, and when presidents do not appear as puppet that usually means that his/her party is extremely on code with them. Which is why when Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines president) can come out and kill his own citizens it's not 'cause he actually has power, it's because most of the politicians in his party agree with him exerting his "power" for that specific goal, if they didn't it would be a quick coup.
So Obama winning wasn't about reparations (and as a non-american breh I highly doubt you'll be getting any reparations any time soon, maybe in 2300 at the earliest?
I at least know we'll all be dead before that happens), nor was it about making things easier for black people with specifically targeted policies and actual tangibles (sure he was black but his party and most of politics is white, and most of the black elite was much more busy trying to attack his legitimacy trying to decide whether he was a c00n or not).
But he did create some trojan horses for minorities (which unfortunately isn't just black people, BUT it includes black people) like the JOBs Act, My Brother's Keeper (which from what I understand was specifically for black males), Fair sentecing Act, well and some more I can't recall...which basically amounts to a man trying to enact change in the midst of enemies that over power him.
In short, he did create some little shyt that if built upon can bring change, but that's on the ones that come after him to capitalize on.
So whenever I see Americans say any version of "Obama didn't do shyt for us" it's actually sad because that means that the very little he actually could do for
his people (which to me is just common sense) do isn't gonna be capitalized on at all. So he might as well have done nothing.
TL;DR: Seeing the bold is weird breh. And also Presidents only have power when their cabinets and party members share the same vision as them (it's a
stars aligned phenomenon). A president trying to force his own vision is just not possible because of the voting's easier to do that when you're a king and emperor, and
even then you've gotta seduce everybody around you to see things your way.