Follow me to the truth
It's gonna happen too, at some point that picture perfect white person is dying from a DWI player and then it's gonna be....
"The league is out of control, the players need to be punished for this stuff, a poor child is dead because of this.
Too often we treat DWI like it's jay-walking
Already happened. remember Leonard Little
After leaving a birthday party in 1998, Little crashed into and killed Susan Gutweiler in St. Louis, Missouri. When tested, his blood alcohol level measured 0.19 percent, a level in excess of the statutory level of intoxication (0.08) in the state of Missouri. Little received four years probation and 1,000 hours of community service.[21]
On January 18, 2003, with charges dating back to 1999, Little was charged with communicating threats and making harassing calls according to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg police department. Little's attorney, Scott Rosenblum, said the charges were filed after Little and his former girlfriend ended their relationship. Rosenblum added, "We don't think this case is going anywhere. It was groundless from the beginning".[22]
On April 24, 2004, he was arrested again for Driving while intoxicated after being stopped by The Ladue Police Department for driving 78 in a 55 miles per hour zone on Interstate 64. At the time he had red eyes, smelled of alcohol and failed three roadside sobriety tests. He later admitted drinking alcohol to the police.[23] After being convicted of misdemeanor speeding but acquitted of DWI, Little was sentenced to two years' probation on May 6, 2005.[24]
it doesnt matter