You just don't see that style & grace anymore.I've never seen an athlete who was physically, so mathematically precise.
Mike had it all.Quick muscle twitch, explosion, hang time, and damn near meta-human scale balancing ability.Real life
Super Soldier Serum, Captain America type shyt.You'll see a guy with quick muscle twitch, but he won't have the hang time.
Explosion, no jelly.Mega hops, but no aesthetic flair/charisma.Jordan maxed out in all those categories concurrently.We haven't
seen somebody do that since.On top of all that, he was the most technically sound.Just a lethal combination, man.To me, he's
still the pinnacle of originality when it comes to the sport of basketball.He was the peak.I don't give a fukk what none of y'all gotta
say.I know what I saw