Mac Casper
@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Remixes straight to the trash can... that Chicago joint though... (original)
Liking a place with no name too.
I could see this with hip-hop music because ultimately in most cases the artist is actually the producer setting the musical direction for projects, writing the song. In pop music it's the producers that are more linked to the track record of hits. The pop artists borrows their sound. Being that it's 2014 I'm just as confident if Michael Jackson were to be here to release these songs (if ever decided or he might just go on to future work leaving these in the bushes ) he would make a similar choice for production on his record . . hell he might not even make the choice for production, he might have an A&R like LA Reid make the decision. All we know is that he could be in the studio being as disruptive as possible in efforts to finish work and move on to the next song. In a way a posthumous Michael Jackson is worth more to a record label than him alive because the budgets for his albums can now be controlled. Michael Jackson couldn't be controlled, if he and said "Nooo . . .we need 100 mixes of these before we can get it right, that's ignorant" best believe he's getting 100 mixes . . this isn't sustainable to the current music industry no matter who you are. Unless of course they own the rights to your concerts and are getting at least 50%, then he could go on $100 million tours . . Which they can do anyway now making Cirue Du SOlaie (? idc) events, the Michael Jackson show did over $350 million. They'll make more off of him dead than alive, he was over a billion records sold . . I believe him when he said he was persecuted as soon as he surpassed The Beatles (as a solo act)