Imo the warriors actually would be the biggest trade piece catalyst. For butler to fit in. Via the play style and type of player the warriors excellent at employing in butler. Where butler fits right into the iggy model. That. Butler would be an immediate piece in the catalyst of re-establishing and prolonging the bron idiocy based trade. That single handidly created the warriors dynasty. As well as the trade that also resulted in Wiggins becoming a champion as well.
The warriors are first in the list. Imo that could benefit from getting butler.
Plus get the type of player. That could be used to make draymond expendable as well.
That if the warriors did win an nba title with butler. Would create the type of ego clssh amoungst butler and green potentially. where you would take butler over green. To clear your books. When it came time to make an admin based roster move. If this trade successfully resulted in a nba title.
Is another team that could immediately make themselves back into real rebuilt title contender and alleviate their ails from losing brown to fee agency seasons ago since their title run.
this is wild.
All these rules.
Sohh can Miami trade bam and butler to new Orleans for the disgruntled Duke guys zion and bi?
That is another trade that makes sense. Putting zion into a structured franchise. That would be a great fit for both disgruntled pelican Duke players in bi and zion. Plus new Orleans gets the glue guy in butler. As well as bam. Who could get to make this a sleeper dangerous franchise in New Orleans again. With smaller health concerns than zion and bi. As when the pelican org is healthy. With zion and bi. Available was a number one seeded pels team.
before injury brought it all crashing down numerous seasons since zion's warped pg's from duke injury stunted debut.
Art Barr
Art Barr