#MeToo founder Tarana Burke blasts the movement, calling it unrecognizable


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Unrecognizable because they are getting rich, powerful white men with it now

These liberals have been using 'liberal black women' as attack dogs against black men. For example that 'men are trash' show on buzzfeed and all the images of the men are black... or it's black mens fault that Hillary Clinton didn't get in office.

As long as it's just black men getting me-tooed, its gravy, but when it starts affecting that rich white daddy dough, then its a problem.


May 15, 2014
Asia Argento bodybagged the movement and herself when she got exposed.
The #metoo cannons also misfire when aimed at anybody other than black men.
The ugly "older women fukking preteen/teens" window was also cracking open and the energy dispersed out of FEAR. Y'all can wax poetic about alleged patriarchy all you want...we know white women AND other women engage in this, it was getting too hot, and they fumbled that woman's movement before she could cement herself like Kimberle Crenshaw.
Couldn't commoditize her pain fast enough.
#thepattern takes a rare loss via WW.

Yep all of this. I especially like how you mentioned the back fires.

When the rabbit had the gun it wasn't fun. Cause some of these females in the movement were going to have to call out female predators. It is what it is in certain causes.....eventually you have to call out your own if they doing wrong.


Jun 11, 2012
You're ignoring the fact that the movement itself has remained silent in regards to the male victims in Hollywood, specifically, the male victim that suffered at the hands of one of the movement's members. Now that you bring up the teacher angle, women teachers and male students is practically an epidemic but you dont hear anyone, not even females, making it out to be a culture. But in Hollywood, the casting couch is made out to be rape culture when many of the women went to the casting couch knowing what it entailed and only called rape when they didnt get what they wanted. Why is that? How come we dont call what all the female teachers are doing "rape culture" as well?

I mean you say the movement is about stopping the silence and that it isnt about gender but they dont call out female predators. And in Hollywood, they dont include the male victims in their movement. That sounds like it is all about gender to me.


Rape culture is a myth anyway that was cooked up by some feminist to make them look like they had more credibility and push their agenda. Even the main rape victim advocacy group of the United states doesn't support that rape culture bullshyt.

I think the more as the decade wraps up, the frauds that came up because of lies and their facade are being exposed for who they are. It's about time. On top of all that, the people supporting it blindly and following with the trend, exposing themselves too. Following something without doing any research on what they are cosigning. Clout chasing is wack.
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Cali born Cali bred
Jun 8, 2012
So. Cal
She got pat on the head. They’ve let her attend some events and take some photo ops with white women and that’s what she settled for apparently up until now.

She wasn’t hustling, she was in it with her heart. She was gassed off of the fake acceptance and white women pretending to care about her.

You’re suspect for even believing that bs mission message. She wasn’t organizing with black women and she can’t even connect herself with resources which is why she’s whining now. So how was she connecting others with resources? Nobody cared about me-too until white women made it a thing and this chic was too dumb to even secure compensation for herself.
:hubie: can't say you wrong

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
They won't read the narrative b/c deep down many don't want the status quo to change. Many look forward to the fantasy of gaining money and/or power being able to act inappropriately as well.

Heifer, don't nobody want to be no rapist or sexual assaulter, we just hate watching brothers get Emmitt Till'd by the justice system & the media

You see what they did to Nate Parker when his Nat Turner movie came out?

Dude was found NOT GUILTY and they still fukked him over.

See, Black men don't recover from that. White dudes like Weinstein will be okay.

You keep on forgetting that WE are the most imprisoned, murdered, persecuted, prosecuted group of people in this country. Why the fukk would any of us support a movement that claims that it's going to "empower" people, but in actuality puts us in the firing like to be persecuted, lose our careers, and reputations without ANY evidence or witnesses whatsoever?

You nikkas hate women this much?

Her OG movement was actually helping women in our community

I keep forgetting 90% of you are pale faces

What Black women do you know were ever helped by any of this bullshyt?

I got like 10 nurses in my family and none of them ever heard of no ME Too shyt until the same time everybody else did.


Nov 21, 2013
Breh gender is the issue. One of the biggest reasons boys go missing, are in sex rings and sexually assaulted at high numbers are due to gender.

We have had a huge issue for the last 40 plus years of young males in sex rings and in street prostitution that has been literally ignored by the media and general public. The shyt isn't even addressed and if it is it is glossed over. The assumption is sexual assault means a man assualting a woman.

It is one of the reasons serial killers who kill male teenagers and young men are able to fly under the radar for so long. Why the whole Sandusky shyt flew under the radar for years. How sickos like John Wayne Gacie and Jeffrey Dahmer were able to do what they did.

Yea I dont know what you're talking about. MY point was that the metoo movement isnt standing up for male victims. Thus it IS about gender. The person who I quoted said it wasnt about gender not me...

I agree with what you're saying though...