Waste of money. . Sold on ebay for the same price i bought it for 

Name an action oriented video game where you dont have to turn off your brain. Youre just being a contrarian. Metal Gear outside of a few plot holes, is goat tier. Just stop it.looking back on it even though i really enjoyed Metal Gear Solid 4 the game was a trainwreck. i'll probably play 5 but i can't really say i'm anticipating it. Metal Gear Solid as a series is like the Seinfeld of gaming a bunch of long winded (cut)scenes about nothing. if you turn off your brain and just take it for what it is then its enjoyable but once you start thinking about it you realize the plot is a contrived convoluted mess. further compounded by it being all retconned together from games that weren't planned out prior to them being made. every game Kojima tries to abandon the series and they bring him back. the plot is about as messy as Resident Evil.
i mean did i just see this guy climb around with a peg for an arm?
This has a bit more content than a demo does though.Demos should be free
red box this on the ps3
game was dope and fluid as hell
shyt it took me like 4 hours to beat i was running around causing hell
when i got that sniper rifle tho
if you do everything there is to do without just speed running a mission you can get like 20-30 hours out of this.
I'm an admitted metal gear stan but I've played like 20 hours of this just going for trophies and skins, shyt I got ps1 Snake and Cyborg Ninja as playable characters.
It's a lot of fun to explore the mechanics and search for tapes and patches etc. Just admire the different lighting for different times of day etc.
Imagine what a full game with these mechanics and multiple locations will be like![]()