Play Magazine Writer:
Metal Gear Solid V Confirmed 720p on Xbox One, 1080p on PS4; Screenshot Comparison Released
by Giuseppe Nelva 2/17/2014
Hideo Kojima Announced it a few days ago, and finally the much awaited Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes comparison showcasing the differences between the PS4, PS3, Xbox One and Xbox 360 versions of the game has been released.
The announcement comes with a surprise (or maybe it’s not too much of a surprise): While both next generation consoles will run at 60 FPS, PS4 will run the game at a native resolution of 1080p. On the other hand Xbox One will render Snake’s infiltration at 720p. Last generation versions (PS3 and Xbox 360) will run the game at 30 FPS, 720p (scaling internally).
It’s definitely rare to see a developer like Kojima-san and his studio be this open about the differences of a game’s different versions, even if he went as far as commenting
on Twitter that the whole controversy “makes little sense” to him:
Being asked so often about differences in “frame rate” and “resolution” depending on the hardware model make little sense to me, but I listened, so I plan to publish it tomorrow (laughs).
Despite that, looks like it’s difficult even for him to resist the charms of the next generation, at least for what frame rate is concerned:
Well, once you play with the next gen version, it’s smooth like butter, and you won’t be able to go back to the current gen version though. (laughs)
Something tells me that many gamers will take this a lot more seriously than Kojima-san does. That said, he also mentioned that the FOX Engine was created specifically to bring open world gams even to current gen consoles.
The reason why we created FOX Engine was to be able to bring open world games efficiently even on current generation consoles.
Judging by how good the game looks on Xbox 360 and PS3 despite their limited power, I’d say the mission has been accomplished.
Below you can see the screenshots that were sent with the announcement (you can click on them for a full resolution version), that actually compare directly with each other just platforms of the same brand, in a rather funny attempt to hold a semblance of diplomacy. There are also detail shots with an explanation of the improvements coming with PS4 and Xbox One compared to their predecessors.
A trailer showcasing the differences has also been announced to be coming soon, and we’ll be sure to publish it as soon as it’s made available.
As a side note, a limited edition PS4 console bundled with the game has also been announced at the same time (only for Japan, at the moment of this writing),
you can see it and read more details here.
PS4 (above) to PS3 (below): Day Infiltration
Xbox One (above) to Xbox 360 (below): Day Infiltration
PS4 (above) to PS3 (below): Night Infiltration
Xbox One (above) to Xbox 360 (below): Night Infiltration