Yeah it works b/c there are certain men (and women) out there who associate being treated like shyt with being loved. They're the ones who will say somebody is too nice or boring. It's more than just the chase because they got something to prove. They want to be taken through an emotional gauntlet and treated like grade A trash because they feel like the abuse and the drama is a big enough show of the power of their love. If their magical dyck can reform the "baddest" bytch, then they get to prove to the rest of the world they are worthy of attention.
The playas and pimps are the easiest to do this too b/c they get so caught up in suppressing their emotions that they get caught off guard easily. They also underestimate women due to a lack of respect so it makes it hard for them to fathom being played. But for every HOH nikka out there with a slew of disposal chicks, there is one chick "not actin right" that he is literally obsessed with.
Normal, well adjusted dudes will be like nah I'm good because they ain't got nothing to prove. They'll walk away from bullshyt quick b/c they want to minimize drama. And they don't become bitter towards women b/c they just avoid the trifling ones altogether or bounce as soon as they know what they are dealing with.
But yeah I learned this early on. It's easy depending on the type of guy. But the drawback is it is exhausting having to treat someone badly to sustain their interest. Like when you wanna have a real moment with them, you can't because they can't appeciate realness.