Yes. They took her entire tax refund and takes money out of her check she gets from work.
and he won't even let her see her kid. (she's in Cali, he's in TX)
I know what point you're trying to make, yes men typically pay child support because the mother usually has custody of their child(ren). So it would only make sense that they pay it more. But you guys are trying to make it men vs women when it's just whoever doesn't have custody of the kid has to pay child support.
chu really don't have any idea about the glaring discrepancies and differences.
do you know what you have to go through to be deemed a custodial guardian as a male.
incomparison, to just the automatic that a female is typically given, in the general rule.
do you know how much that cost.
while also,..paying cs,..that you may never fund said custodial rights cases and issues in court.
just stop.....
real talk,..if you really don't live a situation.
you really not supposed to be speaking on it.
if you not a guy, who is a single parent.
no way, a woman with or without kid can really speak on the situation.
as it is not going to be generally objective.
as, women campaigned and agreed to lop-sided vendetta based marriage and reparation system.
that they were educated enough to know would create the destruction of the modern family.
resulting in economical capital windfall to them.
while purposefully creating poverty, for a lifetime to revenue grab.
so, I would rather not hear a female speak on the issue.
it is a conflict of interest till things change to even hear a female do what they always do.
cite some bullshyt ass exception to the rule.
as some bearing on change not occurring.
when the general rule is such a gross contrast,....
to the exceptions.....
life is about the satisfying the real overall general rule first, completely.
so, all the general basis are met.
then, you can readily service the exceptions more readily.
the problem with females is,..
they are always talembout the exception to the rule.
saddling society in the dredges of the success of just a few.
when the general rule and normally facts are being completely ignored.
females: my girl got three kids and she ballin.....
me : your girl is one out of a quadrillion billion, boo.
her one is not aiding the advancement of the general rule.
females have a princess complex,..on some i'm good,..fukk ereybody else shyt...
that is that western society roman catholic look the other way while the fukkery is goin on devil shyt..
in general, females need to move away from that shyt,....
I don't give a fukk about the one exception to the rule cause that really is not advancing anything.
art barr
females speak so much in exception to the rule.
you generally can not hold a convo with them..
as they don't understand general speak is spoken about the general rule.
not your self equated self or the exception to the rule...........
speak a fact,....
that deals with the real on the issues.
like say where females play in modern poverty...
watch, get venom from them like you spoke about them individually.
plus, ignore the fact, spoke, the fukk'N FACTS.
art barr