There is all this talk about "oh Memphis needs to trade this guy...Memphis needs to trade that guy...Memphis needs to get this guy..."
Uh...who the fukk want's Prince?
Uh...who the fukk wants Allen at THAT contract?
Hollins gets you to the western conference finals...and obviously wants more money...but the organization doesn't want to give him more cause they see him as an assistant coach for whatever reason...
Joerger gets you to the playoffs, loose a series that the league pretty much takes from you...
Joerger has paid his dudes by the way...coaching in the D league for awhile...he was a good coach
And now you let him walk...
For a coach you will sign after you see your schedule and realize that you play 53 games on a tues, wednes, or thurs, and Holliger says "Let's hire this random assistant from this random team as coach because on tues, wednes, thurs, he runs practice, and the team wins 78 % of those games that he runs practice in"
This team had to have everything go right for them for about 3 years to consistently get in the playoffs, and now they out here acting like Lebron already told them he coming to Memphis and Pat Riley is going to leave his cushy executive job in Miami to come coach them