The Nigerian
The Realest Member of TheColi
In this thread, broke, sexually frustrated Coli brehs hate on a successful video model's career.
How has she beat the game? She's a house wife and 30 years old, her career as a "model" is finished.
DJ Drama is her meal ticket, she said in an interview she pursued modeling full time over college.
The nudes I posted are post marriage meaning she's struggling to be independent of DJ Drama and has little to no options.
This is from her Instagram.
Shorty's only home is that severance package, which entitles her to some of DJ Drama's $12 million.
i am amazed at these stupid ass theories they coming up on her life. this art barr dude writing a thesis or something in this thread on their lives. like gotdamn dudes
i see you dapping dudes going at art barr. say his name, why you scaredIn this thread, broke, sexually frustrated Coli brehs hate on a successful video model's career.
you don't' and will never live this life to know what's to it, though.
you ain't never and will never bed these types of females.
while, I consistently have had relationships.
in addition to just sheer lustful sexual based routines for years with this type.
plus, had a child by this type of scorned failure face ass type of woman, too.
you see, it as some thesis,..
I am just giving out game, and what to look for and be about.
since, you don't live that life.
you self equate from your beta based life and it does not compute.
then, try to hate.
all because you know you will never and I mean never get this type of female.
art barr
right, i hope these dudes on here soaking up all the "game/wisdom" you giving out breh. wouldnt want them to end up as the old rambling man online. glad to see all this so call smartness being passed along, good job buddy
What I think is the issue.
Guys are raised to highly respect this false image of what females were.
So, females take advantage of it.
As, a matter of fact,...
they are completely out to take advantage.
Yet, I feel if you have the info.
Then, know what to look for, beforehand.
You can eliminate the heartache and avoid the issues.
It is just like the greatest little brother, who is a fly on the wall.
Usually, a little brother who paid attention figures it out.
As, he has a frame of reference to attach to dating.
Now, mind you some little brothers take the wealth of info. for granted in both ways, positive/negative.
Yet, the really successful younger siblings at dating.
Are successful because they knew data beforehand.
Which is what the definition of wise is.
Taking data from other sources and applying it, with no previous experience.
I just try to give kernels of the experience.
So, you can be wise to the situation
Do I feel it is a gross imbalance.
Of women to females,.....yes.
Females as in an adult female who is not mature and lacks her virtue.
Woman, as in an adult female who is mature and still has her virtue.
The proportions are out of wack.
Yet, you are in search of building and or recognize.
a network/pool of women to choose from.
Not some wack female who lacks her virtue.
That is what the scope is.
Don't get trapped making committals with just a female.
You will get burned. With just the female, you smash and build a non-committal based routine.
With a woman, you can build a committal based relationship.
A routine and a relationship are two entirely different things.
A female is trying to get you to commit to a routine.
Which is why it falls apart.
A real woman is looking to build a committal based relationship.
which are two totally different concepts.
You, just have to be man enough to recognize the difference.
as, most males take advantage of the few women.
Lumping them wrongly in with the non-committal based female.
on the flip,...
The actual women, have to keep their virtue.
Plus, learn to recognize, the men from males as well.
Art Barr
*hopes he does not come across to harsh.
*keeps, faith that those committal based women still exist. Not some fake female trying to pretend.
As it is only so long fake females can pretend.
Melyssa ford is a fake female.
Completely out of her league, on american soil.
I hope guys learn to recognize the type.
Then, play the game accordingly.
Which is why I give away the experience.
Art Barr
that is why I said, summer walker flipped/beat the game.
incomparison to mellyssa ford, who failed on epic levels to the game.
In this thread, broke, sexually frustrated Coli brehs hate on a successful video model's career.
this show is definitely her second wind though...Melyssa Ford is about to win