This is what I remember most from her. Didn't know anything about her black face comments but when you look at her history and the fact she came from FOX News, a network that will go down in the history books as a white natiolnalist propraganda construction that aided in radicalizing and creating domestic terrorist, it really doesn't surprise me. I saw her "apology" and it couldn't have been more sterile.
There was nothing sincrere about it and given her history, she most certainly doesn't deserve any benefit of the doubt. The thing about white nationalist such as Kelly is that they're driven predominantly by hate, which is a very difficult emotion to keep reigned in and often demands expression, hence why the Roseanne's and Megyn Kellys of the world consistently find ways to end up in situations where their bigotry impacted their pockets. She's a terrible human being and while I'm sure her white nationalist cronies will take care of their own, I'm glad she's feeling it here. It's well deserved. Individuals like Kelly have long drawn that line in the sand. Why afford empathy to those who deny you the same courtesy? Her apology was hollow. She is who she is and I'm hopeful that those on the other side of that line react accordingly.