I wonder how dangerous airing this shyt out is...mad props to her for not being intimidated b/c this is some scary shyt.

Is the restraining order merely there to allow her to release music or is she really getting threatened behind the scenes?
Also RocNation obviously ain’t operating out of altruism. Is she just exchanging one set of chains for another?
Hmmm I wonder if there is a way for her to spin this to her benefit?
She need to get in touch with Lifetime and Netflix and make a tell-all documentary.
I can see it now. It’ll be called “360: The Musical Slave Trade”
(Don’t even front like ya’ll wouldnt watch some shyt like that!)
She could play this shyt up REALLY big and ride this wave like a social justice warrior. Be on Ellen/Oprah...start a whole movement against it. #music2 or some shyt like that.
Megan Thee Stallion could become the Joan of Arc for the music industry. Book deals, Netflix documentary/series.
Apparently they got already got a twitter hashtag #freethestallion

@Barnett114 thanks for the info btws.