Can't cosign.
Choosing a hoe over your homies is a direct red flag violation of guy code.
EDIT: misunderstood how you were using team.
You share that girl
nah. dont be an idiot. even contemplating choosing between the two is an moronic move. you must ALWAYS choose to be inside of puccy over being around d1cks ANY TIME. only time u should be hanging wiht your boys is if the girl in question is someone u already got in the bag and u just didn't wanna see her.
if u want to see a girl, and some other social event with ur boys comes up, your boys are gon have to kick rocks. do not be an idiot.
the highest level of pleasure any straight man on this planet can ever attain is the pleasure of busting a nut and making serious money. those are the highest.
if u were my boy and u told me u ditched some hotass to hang with us i would clown you till kingdom come.