I'm aware of legacy touring, and the RTB concert series. I've posted content promoting it before.
I'm sure Shan is aware of, and participates on spot dates here and there at concerts. Solo or with his famous rival in the Bridge Wars.
I don't think that's the point of this thread. This 50 year Hip Hop commemoration is a financial windfall to early acts, and the Mayor was intentional in opening the city sponsored events up for them to earn money.
Might be the last time and chance that many of them will cash in on their status and accomplishments.
Shan is just asking a guy who was influenced by him andv who is still in the light, to crack open a door for him to get some light too.
Bro..he literaly asked Nas if he got connects to get him a show about building RVs..
Now tell me who the fuhk watching that? And yeah its a section of population who loves building, but seriously..
It takes Shan damn near two years to build one thing