Again look up the definition of gambling.
Gambling is not investing, yes every investment has risk.
Bitcoin being riskier than buying stocks does not make it gambling, yet, you do not have to be rich to invest or gamble.
Literally everyone can buy bitcoin tho fam. It’s as easy as downloading an app and pressing “buy”.
So factually, no, all “stocks and financial anything” is not gambling. No disrespect but ain’t you 30, how you kickin game on here all the time but don’t know this?
Anything out of your control is a gamble, stocks are just a form of gambling, same as bitcoin
all that shyt become worthless over night
if buy a car, no matter what happens you still have the car it is tangible, if by land it could lose all its value (which would never happen) you still have the land
Its called Real Estate for a reason, because its REAL
you don't have a business so you don't understand
investment means I putting money into something to make it grow
stocks are imaginary, and so is bitcoin
You can vest my buying land growing vegetables, you are putting time and money into something that is producing an asset
you take a beat up put money into by rehabbing it, you've automatically doubled money by investing into the run down house and making it new
investment should reflect in the physical realm, you cannot invest in something that does not exists