If you own a business it makes more sense to lease the vehicle and you need to, to write it off in a more effective way. Even if you can afford it out right or want to keep it longer.
A person who can't afford a car can't just lease it breh. Your credit has to be good and you have to prove you can afford it plus put down money on drive offs. Not everything is a Bentley
MOST people don't sit in cars long term. And you don't always need a car long term. You guys talking in absolutes are funny...people's situations change all the time. If you take a job in NYC you don't need a car. If you get hired by a company that will provide a car, you might not need one for yourself. If you share a car, you might not get another one.
The average person *IS NOT* wasting money on a lease. You pay for the actual depreciation of the car over that time and you get out of it before the cost to operate the car starts to climb. As a vehicle gets more and more miles, while also getting out of warranty, the cost to keep the car 'forever' does not pencil out.
You don't keep making a car payment on a car when it's worth less than what you owe. You are not paying THOUSANDS more because of financing a vehicle over 5 years. You must not understand people get UPSIDE DOWN on their purchased vehicles ALL THE TIME.
No they don't. Rich people lease cars at high rates.
And before you get froggy, I work in the automotive industry doing advertising for major brands. Places in Los Angeles lease at a VERY HIGH rate. New York? Lease at a VERY HIGH rate. In the areas where there are MONEY people lease at high rates.