forgot this was a thread. this show isn't hitting for me. after re-watching BoB, there's just no connection to the characters on this show. if they didn't have the same name (Buck and Bucky) i literally wouldn't remember a single name. i can't even remember the puking navigator, and he wrote the book the show is based on. i like that character though. Austin Butler isn't good. almost feel like we've been gaslit into thinking he is, which is funny b/c i remember thinking Rami Malek was pretty terrible in the Pacific and he's another dude who blew up playing a famous singer.
Wow! He was one of my favorite characters. I knew a lot of jaded senior specialists and corporals just like him, when I was a private.
When I got back home and became a SGT, with a leadership position, I watched some of my friends turn into him before my eyes.
The type of people who are actually built to deal with some of the worst situations but are kind of still emotional. They don’t really know how to lead so they sometimes replace personality with being an a$$hole. They have to pretend they’re mean and numb to it because “job’s gotta get done, we’ll be ok, just suck it up and drive on bytch” is the only example they had to learn from. Deep down they’re just tired of the hurt that comes with losing people you let get close when your guard is down.
Band of Brothers was entertaining, but it’s “campy” in its own right. The Pacific was one of the most realistic portrayal of men being introduced to, and experiencing combat, that I've ever seen.
Band of Brothers told the story of a company that survived some some very extraordinary things
(I’m still kind of mad they didn’t include the all black 761st helping rescue the light infantry during the battle of the bulge) from D-Day to German.
The Pacific told the stories of some battalions that went through some of the worst, ugliest fighting during the whole war
(I’m mad they also didn’t include black units that participated, or portray the two Army paratrooper divisions that took the other half of the islands. The Philippines campaign would have probably been too ugly for TV though.) .