You try to hard to equate all those things to fit your narrative. Remember your conspiracy theory on Russia being tied to the elections?
Maybe you are just like those flat earth people..
What relevance do FPS games have with agenda motivated white nationalist domestic terrorists legally obtaining military grade weapons and using them against unarmed civilians?So first person shooter games aren't relevant in these conversations?
ReppedWhat relevance do FPS games have with agenda motivated white nationalist domestic terrorsits legally obtaining military grade weapons and using them against unarmed civilians?
What FPS video game enabled/helped these CACs purchase assault rifles?
Pushing a button on a controller/mouse teaches you how to shoot an assault rifle?
Sounds like grade A scapegoating to me...
like i said in the el paso thread, people keep trying to give these white boys excuses to make them glitches. Hold them all accountable, until they fix their issue. we need to make "what about mass shootings?" a thing like "what about black on black crime?". They not gone do shyt about anything, but try to bring up Chicago or Baltimore or hiphop or whatever black thing they can think of as a deflection. Watch some new R. Kelly/OJ/Bill Cosby news pop up.What relevance do FPS games have with agenda motivated white nationalist domestic terrorists legally obtaining military grade weapons and using them against unarmed civilians?
What FPS video game enabled/helped these CACs purchase assault rifles?
Pushing a button on a controller/mouse teaches you how to shoot an assault rifle?
Sounds like grade A scapegoating to me...
Anyone know the racial makeup of daton
your gonna have several militas calling for an overthrown government.What's actually not being talked about in the mainstream is how they've been recruiting lately.
But let the media tell it these are lone wolves
I vote in every election, not just presidential onesyall are some hoes, go and fukkin vote and strap up.