My bad, I should've clarified. Do you have a feasible suggestion. Any person with eyes could see this is what we should be doing. Yet if a classroom full of six year olds getting their brains blown out didn't change things I doubt this will.I already posted my response to this question.
The only bad solution is to toss out prayers and just hope things magically get better. The US is literally the only first world country where this happens regularly yet people act like it's a huge mystery to solve the problem.
In fact, the general public mostly supports stricter gun control. It's congress (and of course the NRA) that's holding things up.
Analysis | Experts and the public agree on how to stop gun violence. Politicians don’t.
While I despise the NRA they do have a point about firearms being a right in this country. It's literally the second amendment. I can't imagine any lawyer or congressman getting past it. Anyone can see the rationale behind it but it's very hard to argue with the bill of Rights.
Also we are not Australia that has oceans surrounding it. All bans are gonna do is push gun sales underground and have Mexicans moving them.
Example. A. Chicago and Indiana
And I do believe you can regulate new gun sales to some extent,but there is no way the U.S government would be able get it's hands on every auto and semi automatic weapon in the country. I don't even believe the majority of the public would sell them back. So how we get all the auto and semi automatics off the streets?
You wanna know the kicker? Even if this Las Vegas shooter didn't own a single gun he would've still killed a massive amount of people. The man had ammonium nitrate and tanerite. That stuff makes high grade explosives.

I get where you coming from. You wanna make the world a safer place, I respect that. But you can't save everybody. Better to put this Kevlar vest on layaway and keep it moving.