Mass shooting at Mandala Bay (Vegas) 61 dead, 500 + injured, deadliest shooting in American history


Apr 3, 2014
Laws are there .. when it comes to America .. pay attention to the fine print

Texas u can get ya chls .. waste of money n time

U can ride with ars aks etc
in ya vehicle long as the clip is in one spot gun another n it’s unloaded
i have never ever thought to myself: shyt might get mad real one time when i'm in the whip. better throw my assault rifle in the front seat just in case :hhh: the presence of one gun invites the presence of others. this effect compounds exponentially and now everybody has to be strapped just to stay on a level :trillbunb:

i respect your devotion to your country but i personally dgaf about patriotism tbh
i don't think my country is the best in the world just because i was born in it :yeshrug:

It's the culture Breh. American culture is gun culture. This is a country where it's legal to own flamethrowers and anti-tank/ helicopter rifles. Getting a few auto AKs ain't no thang.
lol where i'm from this shyt exists only in movies and films. i can't imagine a life where when i leave the house i'm like, keys, phone, wallet, battery pack, gun, clips, etc. wtf :dead:
We got crazy ass Cacs out here thinking the Gov't is coming to get them(pre Trump)so they want to "prep" for that day to come by getting Gun after Gun,High Powered Rifles with Extendos on Extendos at that...also you got some Gov't officials who are in the pockets of the NRA to make these Gun Laws very Lax,so those people ain't trying to lose they lil Meal Ticket trying to be Pro Gun Control

and so the wheel spins forever until... it'll spin forever. presidents have been murked with guns and yall still like WE NEED GUNZ
they got guns so we gotta have guns too :dead: every time i see a shooting there's someone saying if only the other party had guns too :gucci: how about nobody having guns :gucci:

using that logic, if all 22,000 concert goers were strapped and started firing at the hotel, things would've been ok :mjlol: (i'm only laughing at imagining the sight of 22,000 people shooting at a hotel. rest in peace to all the victims and may all the injured heal well, and may the families of all victims have peace)


Jan 5, 2017
AARRGGHHH!? Its October 2017,goddammit! You mofos still can't recognise a false flag?

Firstly there's no way one guy could've killed all those people. If that death rate is true there must have been other shooters.
Secondly "CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jeff Zeleny said on Monday many of the country music fans who attended the fateful Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas were “likely Trump supporters.”
CNN Goes There: 'A Lot of These Country Music Supporters Were Likely Trump Supporters'

Thirdly,most importantly the date,the 30th of September,give or take a couple of hours,due to the international date line is critical to the Donald's Zio Elite enemies trying to retake the WH.

Yom Kippur Sep 30, 2017 Sa Day of Atonement
Jewish Holidays 2017-2018 | Hebcal Jewish Calendar

Khazars historically try to channel energies from certain planetary alignments to access Luciferian power.
My own conclusion? A Zio Illuminati false flag to punish Trump and his supporters.


Reps aren't working, someone neg him for me.

Hamza B.

Nov 8, 2015
This Dunya...and Beyond
AARRGGHHH!? Its October 2017,goddammit! You mofos still can't recognise a false flag?

Firstly there's no way one guy could've killed all those people. If that death rate is true there must have been other shooters.
Secondly "CNN Senior White House Correspondent Jeff Zeleny said on Monday many of the country music fans who attended the fateful Jason Aldean concert in Las Vegas were “likely Trump supporters.”
CNN Goes There: 'A Lot of These Country Music Supporters Were Likely Trump Supporters'

Thirdly,most importantly the date,the 30th of September,give or take a couple of hours,due to the international date line is critical to the Donald's Zio Elite enemies trying to retake the WH.

Yom Kippur Sep 30, 2017 Sa Day of Atonement
Jewish Holidays 2017-2018 | Hebcal Jewish Calendar

Khazars historically try to channel energies from certain planetary alignments to access Luciferian power.
My own conclusion? A Zio Illuminati false flag to punish Trump and his supporters.

So in your fantasy world, Trump is one of the good guys?????

If so, that's hilarious.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
*insert comment about how the USA is unique and it would never work here so lets not even try*
I dapped because I think it's valiant to try. And we should. We need to change some things, as soon as possible. At the same time, we have to understand that any changes that we make must be made within a system where there are over 300 million guns on the ground in America, and there are roughly 89 guns for every 100 people in this country.

No other modern country has the amount of guns floating around that we do. I'm not trying to make us sound different, but to that extent, we are. Gun ownership is the #1 most important political issue to a significant amount of Americans, and needless to say, they are quite prepared to not have their guns taken away.

I am a gun owner, and I think it should be much more difficult to obtain a gun. I think it needs to be much harder to obtain guns, and I think the legislation needs to focus on that.

Also, it would help if liberals and democrats learned more about guns. I know they may not want to, but we cant have a meaningful debate about this when one side doesn't know shyt about guns or how they work, because they lose the other side before the debate even starts.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
You can buy a semi auto AK for $400 and mod it into automatic in the same afternoon. It's not hard. And while automatic weapons may be banned the accessories aren't. Getting the stand, drum magazines, and belt for something like this wouldn't be difficult.

A complete gun novice with a clean criminal record could probably pull something like this off with maybe a week or two prep time.
Yep. And another big fukking problem is that in most cases, semi-automatic weapons are more dangerous IMHO. The military rarely uses full-auto, except to basically keep the enemies heads down so that we can advance or retreat forces. You can't hit shyt on full auto, except for in rare situations like the one in Vegas, where you have thousands of people standing shoulder to shoulder.

With semi-auto, which is essentially what every gun is (including pistols, shotguns, rifles, etc.) each pull of the trigger is one shot. You can aim and fire between each shot, which is generally most lethal under the most circumstances, and can still be fired very quickly.

I think the best scenario are to fix some of these gun-show loopholes, and to make it much more difficult to obtain guns. I think there should be more extensive background checks for owning handguns, and I think there should be background checks for owning rifles as well. In most of this country you can buy any long gun (shotguns, rifles) if you're 18 and have a driver's license.

I'm a liberal gun owner by the way. Yes, we do exist.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
One of my old professors put this on FB :wow:

When the Columbine shooting happened everyone looked for answers in all the wrong places. Michael Moore was the only one to zoom out to look at the big picture. What he found is a town where missiles were being manufactured. The two shooters were growing up in the shadow of weapons of mass destruction and no one was talking about it. It was not in the interest of the American media to show the big picture, the culture that nurtured these boys. In the case of the Vegas shooter, his family talks about how he had no associations with any racist or religious organizations. They talk about how they had no warning. Meanwhile, the man was acquiring weapons by the loads, all of them legally purchased including the device that turned his gun to an automatic weapon. But now we find out that he worked at weapon manufacturing company for 3 years, a company that was later purchased by the mother of all gun sellers, Lockheed Martin. Every other witness to the shooting interviewed this morning on NPR had been sent to war and their trauma was triggered by the shooting. All this to say this was not a lone wolf, ask anyone on the receiving end of US imperialism. This is part of the packs that the US sets off in our countrysides without condolences for the mass shooting that they commit. No this is not a lone wolf, this is part of a pack that we have seen in every country in the middle east. Until we deal with our skewed priorities, until we disarm the lone wolves and the packs, until we deal with a military-industrial complex that profits from bloodshed here and abroad, the killing sprees will continue. The vicious cycle of war that America churns returns to her, giving poetic charge to the fact that the music festival was meant to celebrate harvest.


right around the ACC
Jun 9, 2013
So this fukking spineless bag of shyt tweets this

What an emasculated bytchmade p*ssy slave to subhuman cacs obssessed with guns to keep their system intact.

At 70 the way he eats he's liable to croak at anytime *i hope so)

But this tweet pissed me off this honestly what the fukk is wrong with you.


All Star
May 15, 2013
#SidenikkaGang 804 VA
Ain't really nothing you can do about the guns. I purchased my weapon with a 20 round drum very easy with a background check from a private seller. The way this country is going I advise you all to purchase weapons of your own, buy ammo and brace for the worse


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
This story is so fishy. We need a conspiracy theory thread for this event. 2 Windows blown out. Maybe there's a 2nd shooter :lupe: the guy had no money problems or religious or political beliefs, something don't add up. What if a Russian or foreign agent murked him made it look like suicide and then did the shooting and dipped. :lupe: letting off that many rounds wheather bump fire fully or semi ain't easy to keep aim stead. Let's put on our tinfoil hats brehs
When it comes to conspiracies, I always want to see the evidence. And not 'stuff that doesn't add up.' I'm not trying to single you out. It does seem crazy. IMO a big reason why a lot of die hard conspiracy theorists want to believe them is because they make the world makes sense. On a conscious or unconscious level, it's a lot more comforting to believe that an event this evil had a master plan behind it. It's less comforting to know that one crazy person with a bunch of metal and plastic could cause this much death and destruction.


In abnormal psych they say that many of these mass shooters don't really have a coherent motive. If they do have a motive, it's often very vague, or it doesn't make a lot of sense. We don't want to surrender and think there's nothing we can do, but there are far more loony tunes motherfukkers out there than we want to think.
