People don't realize how bad it is for stuff like this to keep happening.
If rats are dying en masse what happens to animals that survive off eating rats? And when those animals die what happens to the animals that eat them?
Climate change is going to be a disaster for the food chain.
New York doesn't have enough coyotes, cougars, possums and snakes.
That's why rats run so free up there because they don't have enough natural predators to keep their population down.
there aren't any predators we could introduce that wouldn't be a nuisance. perhaps the city should explore controlled flooding to tackle the problem.
yeah, NYC does not have a wildlife population like that.
LA and other places have coyotes, cougars, birds of prey and shyt
that play that role but i can't imagine importing them in to fukk up rats.
there are birds of prey in all 5 boroughs i imagine but not to the point
were they are gonna put a dent in the rat legion.