I blame that on BioWare not EA.
I don’t think they destroyed the series at all. Give it a break for a few and get the original team back on it. I’m playing mass effect 3 again at the moment and there’s no reason they couldn’t have continued from that point. I think they overthought stuff and missed a good opportunity there. But give it a few years, maybe 2020, and give us another one.
They were scared. That's it.
I do not believe they went 600 light years after a survey said people didn't want a prequel when a sequel sent a few years after the Reaper War would have fix the issues people had with
3's ending.
I just finished the trilogy off last weekend and I'm 5 hours into
My hate for the game has dissipated, but, damn
Mass Effect 3 was great!
There could've been a million stories told
Sitting through the Star Child's speech; nothing about destroying the Reapers, controlling them or synthesis was gonna be a perfect world
I think that Extended Ending slide closed the universe up too much
They could've played like the slide show was just the hope of the future, not the result
I'd start
Mass Effect 4 in Chicago where you start as a human, turian or salarian and build the character post-Reaper War and built from there to out the universe
Andromeda is a soft reboot

They even wrote away the Genophage by saying the Krogans had gene therapy before being put into cryo sleep and it's mostly cured