These businesses, building and cars played no played no part in Freddy Gray's death yet they are being burned and destroyed in the name of 'protesting'. What kind of supportive agenda could be applied to savage behavior?
But since I don't get it explain to me the thought process behind the looting that's going on in Baltimore.
I can explain it on some level, I think. I'm a cac too. I had one of my best friends gunned down while unarmed by a cop in 2006. This issue is a powder keg man. It goes beyond a thought process or supportive agenda in the case of Baltimore. First off, with ANY group of human beings, once a few people start going non-peaceful, it's a wrap. The "herd mentality" is a psychological phenomena, and it applies to more than just rioting. Not to mention that you also have agent provocateurs that will infiltrate a peaceful protest and start getting violent, just as an excuse for the power to break up the protest, and/or start more violence. I heard the violence yesterday began from kids/teenagers, and spread from there. That's also an age group that can't be expected, nor should they (by nature of being children) be expected to act like adults. The human brain doesn't even fully develop until around 25.
The riots you're seeing are a raw out-pour of emotion. It's a reaction to what feels like such a huge injustice that's happening every single day, and you also have to understand Baltimore and the people in those communities. When people are disenfranchised, miserable, broken down, tired, from living conditions, and then they feel that their public servants are literally killing them in brutal fashion, regularly, with no penalty, there's only so much that people in those environments will take before resulting to violence. As Jesse Williams pointed out on Twitter that someone posted a while back, white people riot over sporting events
all the time and it's considered normal. Especially in Europe. But then you have people here rioting because they're being killed in their communities and it gets a totally different reaction from the mainstream media. I don't think it's good that a community center got burned down, or that a likely result of these riots are that the very communities that these people live in will be made even worse to live in. But can you really not understand the impulse to riot?
It's a catch-22, because you'll see these riots used as rhetoric and justification for more police violence. As one elder man in Baltimore said last night "They will retaliate on us later, individually. But at the same time, where has peaceful protest gotten anyone on this issue so far?"
There's been so much peaceful protest on one side, and so much lack of respect for basic human rights on the other side.I don't know enough about the history of civil unrest versus peaceful protest in regards to social outcomes, but it does feel on some level that civil unrest was bound to happen with this issue of cops killing (mostly black) citizens.