but those leaders were never in govt. you need people outside govt because those in govt move slowly and have to answer to those that keep them there. if the black mayor you elect can't do shyt for you then elect someone else. let him know why he doesn't have your vote. people just want big names to cry to. EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOUR LOCAL GOVT. fukk national politics, i don't care what obama has to say about my city, honestly what can he do for me at that level (i know what he can do at other levels and he has my support there)?
i have my city commissioner (and local state rep and state senator) in my phone contacts. i donate to them. when i call my city commissioner about shyt he needs to deal with, it gets done. let me tell you the secret about local politics and black politicians. they don't give a shyt about us young blacks for the most part because we don't vote. they sure give a shyt what the elderly and church going set feel though. i remember when my black state senator was championing a saggy pants bill that some repub cac introduced a few years ago. i called that mothefukker like

you're trying to create more laws that force police to interact negatively with young black people? he was like man my base (church going blacks and elderly blacks) are tired of these young cats walking around with their pants around their knees. i was like, but you gotta tell them that nothing good is going to come from police harassing their sons and grandsons like that. the stiffer sentencing for crack that everyone was so up in arms about until obama and the dem congress got rid of. well it was the congressional black caucus in the 80's that championed the stiffer sentence because crack was destroying the black community and this was their response. the black voter class is responsible for a lot of fukked up laws when they team up with the other side. best thing i can say is help change the makeup of the black vote class.