partly, idk maybe my expectations were for it to be like their netflix shows, or like the DC shows on CW
I'm gonna say this and be as respectful as I can with no stanning or shade.
But if you like the DC TV shows..... but also love the movies....... then you could easily love Agents at this point as this show is more in line with the DC movies.
The DC shows (which are good) are HEAVY on everything cats love to shyt on the Marvel movies about (the humor the jokes).
Agents kinda brought a lot of the jokes and comedy down sticks with a more serious tone.... theres humor here and there but nothing like how Felicity, the black geek, and Cisco and the cast from Legends just be dripping with jokes.
Agents has been CONSISTENTLY GOOD since the second half of the 1st season, almost night and day from how it began