Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Season 3 thread


Oct 9, 2015
Avengers compound
I think it's weakened right now. You see how big that statue was? When fully powered it's probably the same size of that or bigger. Which brings up the question if any Avengers might join in to defeat it? :jbhmm:

We'll be a little busy:francis:............Not much of us left......................:wow:
Mar 23, 2015
so if the thing infected and took over ward's body, why was coulson looking so shady and evil in the final scene?


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
I think the creature is Hive :patrice:


Makes perfect sense.:patrice: Was introduced in Secret Warriors, has the same bullshyt going on...


Created in the Hydra laboratories in their home base Gehenna, The Hive was an experiment made to physically embody the Hydra ideal, the entity is composed of untold numbers of genetically engineered parasites. A unknown and unwitting Hydra agent was offered/fed to these parasites as a host around which they could merge into into a singular being. Grotesque and menacing in both stature and appearance The Hive had no identity of its own per se as its collective will dominates the human host it engulfs, however it possesses a quiet and cunning intelligence and as a result of its conditioning is completely dedicated to the Hydra cause to the extent that Baron Strucker appointed it as a figurehead alongside himself, Viper, Gorgon, Kraken and the new Madame Hydra in the form of triple agent Valentina Allegra de Fontaine.[1][2]

When Hydra went to war against rival organization Leviathan, Valentina revealed her true allegiance and murdered her predecessor, Viper. When Strucker and the other heads discovered her corpse, the Hive shocked and appalled them all by merging with the deceased woman's body - reanimating her but with the parasites themselves gathering into a bulbous mass atop her head with four prehensile tentacles.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

Taking back her title as Madame Hydra, she and Gorgon subsequently broke away from Strucker's weakening grip on Hydra and formed an alliance with the recently escaped Norman Osborn and his H.A.M.M.E.R. organization. During this brief and fragile union Osborn arranged for Madame Hydra to undergo surgery to remove The Hive from her in a way that would keep her alive.[11]

Powers and Abilities

The Hive's body, whilst bipedal is not a solid figure but a writing congregation of its many parasites. A such these parasites can actually latch away from the mass and attack others at high speed - making them effective projectile weapons.

As one, The Hive is capable of asserting itself as an individual, albeit without name or personality. In this form it capable of speech - the language however is unknown but spoken also by other Hydra agents - suggesting it is one of their own design created for strategic secrecy when in the field. The Hive is capable of breathing both on land and underwater.

Strength level
Never actually revealed but its implied that The Hive possesses greater than average physical strength from the combined efforts of its parasites.

The Hive's only weakness is that despite the deadliness of its parasites it still has the physical limitations of its human host, in other words whilst it can improve upon the host's strength and skills it cannot perform impossibilities such as flight if the host cannot. Also any ailments afflicting the host prior absorption will still be present and will effect The Hive - for instance its original human host possessed a minute blood disorder and was also a diabetic - hence why the Hydra heads deemed him as fodder for The Hive experiment and would have also made him weak enough to be absorbed. These maladies would have also been present within The Hive afterwards however when The Hive later merged with Viper these ailments would no longer be present.


Due to the Hive's sickly first host it can be constructed that it is always on the search for newer, stronger bodies to inhabit. These bodies however need to be weak enough to be absorbed - a biological flaw perhaps designed by Hydra to keep The Hive under control. Madame Hydra's body, being dead was a perfect host and offered no resistance - the process healing her bullet wounds. It is unknown however if the reborn Madame Hydra is the original woman, a symbiotic bond between her and The Hive or The Hive entirely in its latest host. To add further confusion, when Norman Osborn arranged for Madame Hydra to have The Hive removed it is unclear to what extent this reaches. The exterior physical form of The Hive is gone but their is no indication of it being present within her or if it is indeed truly removed and even then, destroyed.

A tweaked Inhuman/Kree origin...:patrice:
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