Desk also sits in training mode 14 hours a day and I never seen this man in a tourney.

The way we break games down is different from 20 years ago even without the internet.
The game is simplified and will be fixed with some patches. They gave this game HALF the budget of SF5 DLC

. In today's world this is the way fighting games are going to be. A little more simple in the system and more based on decision making. I'm not even defending capcom but we as gamers need to accept the fact that this is 2017 and not 1998. Every fighting game is going to be easier to play. The one thing Capcom got right was making this easy to play while still be able to establish a clear skill gap. The games we want as people who are 27+ are not the games that kids want who are 20 and under.
The game will have staying power because the Marvel heads won't let it die, not to mention the game play is still fun. When the game needs a boost they'll drop DLC characters people were bytching about not being in the game. People say they want something old school then don't support KOF. People want what they want from who they want
But there will be SF5. Dragon Ball, Blazeblue Tag Battle, Tekken, NRS games

Maybe a Soul Calibier and etc etc, the fighters will come. Hopefully people play them.