People think they're over-saturating but I don't think so. If they can make the stories, and the movies good (like GOTG and the last Captain American) than I think they can pull it off.
Plus, pushing movies like Black Panther, GOTG, Captain Marvel, Dr. Strange, and etc., is telling me that they're probably going to wrap up movies like Thor, Captain America, Hulk, and Iron Man and leave them strictly for Avengers movies along with Hawkeyes and Black widow (with all making guest appearances here and there)...
Samuel L Jackson about to be banking, because S.H.I.E.L.D. Is going to be a part of every storyline I believe.
And GOTG did amazingly well which to me is what green lighted these other characters for their own flicks.
And I think it'll all wrap up at Avengers 3...
Next 3-4 years are going to be

for super hero movies. And if Whedon is directing a few then