The invisible hand 

they'd still fire him on fox news. he'd only get away with it if he said it on michelle....If he was on Fox News and said something similar about Hillary Clinton, he would have got a raise.
they don't fix problems like these hence he "resigned". the people upstairs are responsible for what hits the air. since all they did is have one person resign he's gonna reappear on another msnbc cable show. what he said was really career suicide cause he's probably banned for life on any right leaning network unlike john stossel who left abc to join fox news.Wasn't just martin Batshyt, though was it ? This was obviously a pre planned segment, he was reading off a teleprompter.... They are only firing him,because he was the chump they roped into saying it the public face of the buffoonery , and because various people not just palin canceled interviews on MSNBC's sister network in protest various bigshots on the network had a moan , some woman who was big in the clinton admin also had a moan, I guess the network realised they made a bad judgement (yes really) and decided there had to be a sacrificial lamb. Remember initally they took no action, because they thought it would go down okay. Yes seriously they figured it would help their viewing figures as MSNBC is in ratings trouble, on what planet is talking about defecating in female public figures mouth acceptable? It's not the howard stern show, in fact these days, this would be too extreme even for stern.
This whole thing is a sign whoever is running the network has no clue what they are doing . First Baldwin and now batshyt.If I was running things,I would be firing the writers, the researchers, the fool working the teleprompter, anyone who had anything to do with this.
Why is shytting in people's mouth becoming the thing to say these days?
Do we need new ways to be vulgar? I guess nobody takes motherfukker literally anymore.
thi guy just looks like he smells like shyt![]()