Well, now we know what Bashir gets up to in his private life, he probably fancies her, so his first inclination is to mark his territory and shyt and urinate in her mouth because he is vile little subhuman who made lies up about michael jackson. I mean there was all the outrage from the left when a UK politician made a remark about women cleaning behind the fridge and drunkenly calling women at a party 'a bunch of sluts', yet the BBC seems strangely silent about vileness on a whole other level from one of it's former reporters. Can you imagine the shytstorm if Bill O'reilly had said that about hillary clinton. And plenty on the left have made that slavery analogy as well. I'll be honest, the reason he will get away with it is because his target was white and a conservative. If he'd talked about shytting in condi rices's mouth he'd be gone . But I doubt he would be stupid enough to say it about her ,he knows the score.Like all bullies he picks his targets.
Just another 'british import' along with piers morgan that makes all brits out to be twats.And look how far the medias sunk,shytting in a womans mouth... seriously? The left love to talk about a 'war on women' ,bashir as proven himself to be the fukking general, rush is just a captain right now and needs to step up his game.