Mark Cuban:"I know how I'm going to vote, but I'm not ready to comment on it."


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
if a group of nikkas in hoodies was walking down the street late at night and your girl saw them...she wouldnt be shook? You wouldnt be shook?

You cats are liars.

but if it were a group of nikkas "like you" we shouldn't be shook though.

get the fukk outta here bytch

Reverend Jesse Jackson

Somebody I Am
Oct 22, 2012
because you dont know what he meant just jumped to racism.
Cuban didnt grow up rich, so im sure he had to walk regular streets.

Everyone wearing the same thing isnt a new idea...its normal...which is why im surprised yall are acting brand new w/ this.

So many generalizations on this board that go unchecked because its part of group thought.
Yall sound like white folks when Larry Johnson said what he said after Sterling...muthafukas just want to be outraged.

Explain how I jumped to racism by saying Cuban's comparison was ridiculous? Black guy with hoodies = Bald head white guy with tattoos all over face? You don't find that a bit extreme?


Jul 5, 2012
SMH. I don't know what you read breh but his message is pretty clear:

We all have prejudice. And instead of throwing stones and being a hypocrite, he finds other solutions to fight against bigotry.

What people are arguing about here is his example of why he is prejudice and the stereotype that he used. If that's all people are getting from the entirety of what he said, then that doesn't really surprise me.

Critical thinking has gone out the fukking door in this country:mjlol:

Cuban's critical thinking went out the door when he said a piece of clothing makes a black kid an undesirable.

i'm just giving him time to explain before i unfollow him on twitter etc. and maybe join the fight.

would a young black guy wearing a hoodie into the workplace with the shirt and tie deserve to be fired? ....but the whites, latinos, etc can wear hoodies without issue?


All Star
Jun 21, 2013
Told these mofos to give me a tempt ban... Guess they didn't.... Damn couldn't help but log in after seeing this Cuban shyt..

Message to All My Young Black Brothers:

After reading yall comments... We all know what's up... Yall all are smart enough to see what's up...

But, there has to come a point, where you are smart enough to not even GIVE A F*CK what's up.... Either that, or start making changes and organizing, to make CHANGES to what's up...

Volunteer for the NAACP .... Intern for Al Sharpton... Work your way up to be a sports or news Journalist, so you can give the world some REAL perspective, to help curb some of the c00ning people like Stephen A Smith does.

If you aren't willing to make change... Then the BEST THING for you to do is to simply SUCCEED: become a Millionaire... A Billionaire... Or AT LEAST Aim to make $100,000 a year (hopefully working for yourself)....

Because ONCE YOU DO THAT, you are actually putting out ACTION (not just words) that will prove these people and what they think of us wrong.

If all you do is sit on the internet complaining amongst yourselves, while working at a 9 to 5 (making them rich), you are ESSENTIALLY PROVING THEIR POINT... As they kick back in Paris and laugh and toast champagne to your "pathetic black ass" (in their mind)

I urge you brothers, to read this message once, twice, a MILLION TIMES until you get it.. Until it "clicks"... Until it makes PERFECT sense...

And if I can make ONE fukkING MILLIONAIRE OUT OF ONE OF YOU BASED OFF THIS MESSAGE, then I feel like I've done my job for our race.

P.S.. As for Cuban's comments, that aren't even worth discussing: There is technically nothing wrong with being HONEST about walking to the other side of the street if you see someone in a hoody... He has the RIGHT to be protective of HIS OWN safety, even if we feel it's parenoi...

However, the glaring issue is: What the fukk does that have to do with someone telling someone else "don't bring black people to my games" and "they treat blacks like dogs in isreal" ?

Comparing those 2 levels of racism is like comparing the heat of someone rubbing 2 sticks together to create friction, to someone holding a blow torch... One is on level 1, the other is on 1000.

He pretty much exposed himself by foolishly equating the 2 situations to each other, as he pretty much said in so many words: "I'm a racist just like Sterling, but this is all I'm willing to say I'm racist about, Even though it runs much much deeper in my blood"....

And unfortunately for Mr. Cuban, now he'll be forced to forever live with the consequences of his idiotic words (black free agents not going to Dallas, which was already a hard feat to begin with... Ask D Will and Dwight Howard).

I hope yall brother's learned something. Take this shyt in your own hands and don't put stock in what other people think. Prove these racist whites wrong by your actions, not with your words. And empowered you shall stand.


Reverend Jesse Jackson

Somebody I Am
Oct 22, 2012
if a group of nikkas in hoodies was walking down the street late at night and your girl saw them...she wouldnt be shook? You wouldnt be shook?

You cats are liars.

Take away hoodies from the post.

If a group of nikkas was walking down the street late at night and your girl saw them...she wouldnt be shook? You wouldnt be shook?

The answer would be the same wouldn't it?

Hoodie is a codeword.


all the above
Jun 6, 2013
832 and 310
"There's no law against stupid." - Cuban

But, the law specially states that an employer cannot discriminate employees/applicants on basis of religion, race, sex, gender, nationality, disability and so on and so on.

I'm tired of ppl turning this into a personal issue. Sterling is a billionaire employer; NO, HE NOT ENTITLED TO BE A RACIST TEAM OWNER...IT'S ILLEGAL!!!!

Cuban is trying to save his behind from, someday, goin' through the same fate and failed miserably.

This is a very important point that you're incorrect on, because "cannot discriminate" does NOT mean you can't make racist comments. It is NOT illegal for a team owner to be a racist. It means you can't discriminate. You can't hire one guy over another based on skin color. You can't turn a guy down for a job based on his skin color. You can't refuse to serve someone based on their skin color. Sterling did not DISCRIMINATE, even though he was racist on those tapes. Huge, huge difference when we're talking about the black letter law, even if it seems like a trivial thing. The tiny details matter when it comes to the law. The law does not punish people for their beliefs and thoughts, it punishes them for their manifested actions.

What Sterling did to Elgin Baylor - that was discrimination. His housing policies - that's discrimination. But simply being a racist owner is not discriminating, and the Baylor situation and his housing policies is not what he's being forced out for now, even though the NBA is trying to save face and cover itself legally by lumping all of his past actions together. Anyone with a brain can see that they're reacting first and foremost to those tapes. That's what I assume Cuban meant by saying "There's no law against stupid." Cuban's a smart guy, but he picked the wrong time to make a stance on principal.

King Jove

King Of †he Gawds
May 1, 2012
why are people actin like black people are out with pitchforks and trying to get cuban to sell his team?

he just exposed how he thinks and people are just calling out his bullshyt, not to mention his perceived alliance with donald sterling.

sorry but 1 person in an article of clothing doesn't make me cower in fear like a bytch :yeshrug:


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
I bet if you walking down the rural area of some southern states and you see a two bald head white men that could pass for skin heads you gonna cross the street ya self. Stop playing the victim all the time , yall can be so unreasonable.

CACarot New Member


Laughing at you n*ggaz like “ha ha ha”
May 1, 2012
Of course the ATL
by proxy, the entire NBA stuck up for Sterling for decades.... but that's neither here nor there.

His ambiguity about how he is going to vote, is in his and every owners best interest... because it's not a clear cut decision to make... owners are going to have to figure out how/where their personal beliefs and business intersect, and more importantly, cover their own asses just because nobody is safe anymore.

You vote against Sterling, and then he starts pulling skirts.... then what? you gonna let everyone get a pass? or do they all need to be forced to sale the team? Cuban is clearly aware of this potential scenario, and that nobody is safe anymore.

You side with Sterling...there will be obvious backlash, but it'll go away...cause people will still watch the games. Americans have short attention spans, and don't care about most shyt.... Look at Chic Fil A, they hate fakkits... people fake cared, and it didn't stop shyt.

It's not as black and white as the media wants to paint it.

I agree with most of this and most of your opinions on this but IDK how & when the backlash from this a Sterling shyt will go away. It depends largely on what happens to him & the Clippers. If he's voted out and a sale is forced within a short amount of time, people will lose interest because the assumption is that the racist owner is now gone. But, if it's not a quick sale of the Clippers or god forbid Sterling isn't forced out, then the league could come crumbling down with the full attention of the public & fans.

As for Cuban's comments...they're disappointing b/c you expect Cuban to have a higher level of social awareness in regards to the black people and hoodies comments, but the rest of his comments are in line with what he said about this being "a slippery slope". I guess I don't understand what he's be saying in his private conversations that would be so damning that he would feel the need to constantly remind us about "the slippery slope" anytime this Sterling situation is mentioned :sas2:


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Can someone please link me to the article(or was it a tweet?) where Mark Cuban said he loves Sterling? I need it for reference. Thanks brehs.


May 6, 2012
he's right

it's not being racist

if you see 3 black guys with hoodies, i'll cross the side of the street


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
I agree with most of this and most of your opinions on this but IDK how & when the backlash from this a Sterling shyt will go away. It depends largely on what happens to him & the Clippers. If he's voted out and a sale is forced within a short amount of time, people will lose interest because the assumption is that the racist owner is now gone. But, if it's not a quick sale of the Clippers or god forbid Sterling isn't forced out, then the league could come crumbling down with the full attention of the public & fans.

As for Cuban's comments...they're disappointing b/c you expect Cuban to have a higher level of social awareness in regards to the black people and hoodies comments, but the rest of his comments are in line with what he said about this being "a slippery slope". I guess I don't understand what he's be saying in his private conversations that would be so damning that he would feel the need to constantly remind us about "the slippery slope" anytime this Sterling situation is mentioned :sas2:
things always have a way of going away :manny:


Your Favorite Tio!
May 3, 2013
Sabado Gigante
SMH. I don't know what you read breh but his message is pretty clear:

We all have prejudice. And instead of throwing stones and being a hypocrite because he knows he is not perfect himself, he finds other solutions to fight against bigotry.

What people are arguing about here is his example of why he is prejudice and the stereotype that he used. If that's all people are getting from the entirety of what he said, then that doesn't really surprise me.

Critical thinking has gone out the fukking door in this country:mjlol:

What solutions did he offer?

Sterling knew he was being recorded and he didn't care. How do you know, Sterling hasn't systematically try to keep black people out of basketball games?

Does he not know (I assume he does) that Sterling has discrimination cases pending against him. I will assume you do know Sterling has discrimination cases pending against him and you are okay with it.

Are you okay with someone looking at you and then crossing the street? I'll assume you are. Society is about change, enlightenment, and evolution. Albeit slow but changing, by saying you essentially discriminate against people that don't follow a strict set of what is acceptable, means you open up a can of worms. I guess you were okay with someone following, harassing and assaulting a teenage child with no legal recourse. This bothers me because Cuban is one of the most power men in Dallas, a city that his a pretty recent history of segregation (systematic racism in Uptown night scene) especially against black people. Attitudes like he has, simmer down and do effect decisions of people, especially the powerful.