There's a lot of misinformation about Sharia and implementation due to ignorant thugs screaming Sharia at every turn.
secularism is the best thing there is now, it doesn't mean that it is the only option.
There is nothing wrog with sharia, and it is compatible with a modern state..
Don't let the fact the practically every single group out there supporting sharia are brain dead morons that should be euthanized just in case there stupidity is genetic, to save our gene pool.
i think their shockingly extreme case of stupidity is environmental and due to conditioning.
The hadd laws are there to set the maximum limits to punishment set by a qadi.
They are not compulsory and a judge should be careful to use them.
The hadd laws particularly the chopping off of hands for thieves was suspended Temporarily by Khalifa Umar because of a severe drought and extreme poverty caused.
now there are many places in the world were such conditions or even worse conditions exist, especially southern somalia
and since there is no islamic dawla or a real amir available to create the conditions necessary for people to earn a living and meet their basic needs... have no right to chop of the hands of a thief.
and when it comes to stonning for adultery the taliban have been stoning quite a few women , even when the necessary 4 witnesses were not available. all this when there were only 8 cases of stoning adulterers during the 120 years of Bani Ummaya Khalifate?
there is such a thing as justice, this should be the most important thing.